TGIF – “Paraskavedekatriaphobia”

January 13, 2012 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment.

Quote of the Week:

 “Face it, you’re screwed. Today is Friday the 13th — the unluckiest day on the calendar — so try not to crash your car, fall down a flight of stairs, set yourself on fire or do anything else that might compromise your well-being. And for God’s sake, stay away from men in hockey masks.” Claire Suddath (Time Magazine)

Humor Break:

Bev: Al, do you believe that getting married on a Friday the 13th brings bad luck?
Al: Of course, why would Friday the 13th be an exception?

Stat of the Week: 17 to 21 million Americans have a fear of Friday the 13th (paraskavedekatriaphobia). The Stress Management Center Phobia Institute lists the following Friday the 13th statistics: Famous people scared of this day include former President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who would not travel on the 13th day of any month or have 13 guests at a meal. Napoleon and Herbert Hoover were also scared of 13. It is estimated that $750 million are lost in business on Friday the 13th because some people will not travel, shop, or leave their homes at all. Symptoms of people with a phobia of this day can range from “mild anxiety and a nagging sense of doom to full blown panic attacks.”

Action Tip: If you are paraskavedekatriaphobic, remember you are not alone.  If you are not, be a diversity friendly person and don’t make fun of those who are … which means watch what you say in public.  A little sympathy is the preferred support.

Volunteering: Black cats may or may not bring bad luck.  But for many animals if wasn’t for bad luck they wouldn’t have any luck at all.  Consider adopting a pet from your local animal shelter.  If that isn’t possible, volunteer to help your local animal shelter for a couple of hours a week.  And if that isn’t possible, volunteer your kids.  Great way to instill the volunteering spirit and teach responsibility.

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Wellness

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  1. Wouldn’t ya know it?! I woke up thinking about the fact that it is Friday the 13th, wondering what is in store and find you and your delightful piece. Thanks for the chuckles…need them always and for the new vocabulary word that I cannot pronounce or spell. Hope your Friday the 13th is a good one!

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