Top Leadership Development Blog Posts this Week: 11/30/18

November 30, 2018 by Wally Bock

Leadership development may be the most important thing any company does. That’s why, every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover leadership development to find the very best leadership development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to posts about closing the gender gap, leadership development planning, why developing leaders stop developing, and microlearning.

From Michael Birshan, Carolyn Dewar, Thomas Meakin, and Kurt Strovink: Closing the gender gap: A missed opportunity for new CEOs

“Many new CEOs reshuffle their top teams, but surprisingly few make them more diverse. Can we do better?”

From Julie Winkle Giulioni: Development plan or development planning? There is a difference

“If your organization is like most, you’re likely seeing less attention paid to development planning. It’s understandable. Leaders face time challenges like never before. Teams are increasingly distributed across geographies, making connections complex. The general sentiment that employees should own their own development frequently leads managers to a sensibility that’s too hands-off. And self-service/on-demand learning models increasingly leave development to the system, often taking managers out of the mix.”

From Dan Pontefract: The No. 1 Reason Employees Say They’ve Stopped Learning Is Because They Don’t Have Time

“In today’s organization, speed has become a weapon against thoughtfulness and an employee’s self-development plan.”

From Sharlyn Lauby: Microlearning: 5 Reasons Your Company Should Consider It

“We use microlearning on a regular basis – we just don’t call it microlearning. Here’s an example. I recently wanted to roast a chicken and, to prepare the chicken, I wanted to truss it. But I didn’t know how. So I went on YouTube, found a two-minute video and viola! I knew how to truss a chicken. People are using short videos to learn all the time.”

Wally Bock is a coach, a writer and President of Three Star Leadership.

Posted in Leadership Development

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