Top Leadership Development Blog Posts this Week: 6/29/18

June 29, 2018 by Wally Bock

Leadership development may be the most important thing any company does. That’s why, every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover leadership development to find the very best leadership development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to posts about micro-learning, leadership development and organizational change, convincing the C-Suite to make learning a priority, and the leadership development programs at Johnson & Johnson and American Express.

From David Creelman: What Does It Take to Deliver Slow, Cumulative Learning?

“We get a hint of the way forward with micro-learning. Micro-learning makes it easy to spread out small chunks of learning over a long period of time. What I’m proposing is that we plan learning interventions with a multi-year time horizon using modules designed to cumulatively add up over four or five years. Let’s call it cumulative micro-learning.”

From Brent Gleeson: The Critical Role Of Leadership Development During Organizational Change

“As a former Navy SEAL, I knew that without sound leadership at all levels during chaotic times, the mission goes south. Fast. So I pushed back to support my case by reminding everyone of several key leadership challenges that could force us to become a sad statistic of failed organizational change:”

From Darren Shimkus: How to Convince the C-Suite to Make Learning a Priority

“For most organizations, every dollar or minute spent on the company’s dime is constantly under evaluation and fierce scrutiny. Although reskilling employees and providing career development often take a back seat to business priorities more directly tied to revenue, workplace learning has never been more critical to business success. Given the accelerating pace of workplace transformation across every industry, the need for continual upskilling grows exponentially every day. To keep up, L&D leaders must be able to successfully communicate this idea up the management chain to win the necessary executive buy-in and achieve change.”

From Rebecca L. Ray, Ron Williams, and Richard S. Wellins: How Johnson & Johnson and American Express Are Developing Young Leaders

“When the research showed the growing premium that companies place on high-speed development, we decided to follow up with some of the study’s participants to hear more. The accelerated development programs at American Express and Johnson & Johnson (J&J), specifically, caught our attention.”

Wally Bock is a coach, a writer and President of Three Star Leadership.

Posted in Leadership Development

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