Every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about virtual onboarding, talent management lessons from the US election, lessons from the HCI Learning and Development Conference, and Don Charlton’s views on whether you should hire for accomplishments or potential.
From TLNT: 5 Important Lessons If You Move to Virtual Onboarding
“For organizations, like Microsoft, who are hiring hundreds of people across the globe throughout the year, creating an onboarding program that is delivered in a virtual manner is critical. It enables the new hire to access the information WHEN they need it and in a way that is engaging and easy to consume.”
From Dr. John Sullivan: Guided by Data: 4 Big Talent Management Lessons From the Election
“Whether you follow politics or not, there are many important lessons that leaders in talent management and HR can learn from the recent presidential election.”
From Tanveer Naseer: 3 Leadership Lessons on Nurturing Organizational Learning and Growth
“Among the many responsibilities that come with leadership, one of the most critical is providing your employees with opportunities for learning and growth, a topic that was the focus of last week’s HCI Learning and Leadership Development conference.”
From Don Charlton: Should You Hire Based on Accomplishments, or Potential?
“So what does a company do? Hire an unproven talent who might be the next Steve Jobs, or select an impressive candidate whose potential is fulfilled and who is essentially risk-free? Surely a company would make the safest of hiring decisions and choose a proven performer. Or would it?”