Calling All New Leaders

December 3, 2008 by Bill Bradley


Title: Leadership Transitions Version 3.0

Competencies: self development, leadership, numerous managerial competencies

Who benefits: leaders in transition

Consultant Usage: coaching/training tool

What’s it about? In less than six weeks the US will have a new President.  The changing of the guard, the transition, is likely to be unlike any we in the US have seen before.  Then what happens?

I think it goes without saying that the first 100 days will be crucial.  Fans and detractors will be watching intently. 

Quite possibly the new President might benefit from a new interactive CD-ROM from those good folks at Harvard.  A lot of people could benefit from this CD-ROM…like all the new folks stepping in to replace those folks who have brought us the current recession. 

There is no time like now to get it right…for presidents, executives, and other leaders at all levels stepping into new positions. 

This CD-ROM outlines a number of pitfalls to beware of, strategies to avoid them, assessments to prepare the leader for the new position.  And most importantly, it offers tips and tools for setting clear priorities; building teams; working with a new boss; creating lasting relationships and a host of other needed leadership skills.

This may be the worst analogy in history, but to me being a new leader is like getting on a train about to pull out of the station.  Either you get on successfully or you take a hard fall. 

Personally, if I were moving into a new leadership position in the near future, I would not like to risk the fall.  I would invest in this CD-Rom.

Catch you later.
[tags]leadership, the new leader, leadership skills, leadership pitfalls, leadership techniques, leadership assessments, leadership tools, bill bradley, william bradley,  bradley[/tags]

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Leadership Development

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