5/9/13: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

May 9, 2013 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces on redesigning your leadership development program, recruiting, why human-capital-smart manufacturers outperform their peers, and big data in hiring.

From Charlotte Hughes: Do You Need To Redesign Your Leadership Development Program?

“Change isn’t always welcome, but it is necessary. Especially in this time of frequent and fast-paced changes in the market and economy, smart organizations recognize that improving programs and processes to better align with change is critical. For leaders in the development and leadership space, this very well may mean a redesign of a company’s leadership development program. If you are pondering such a move, then one or more of the following is likely true:”

From Mel Kleiman: 10 Top Tips, Tools & Techniques to Attract & Recruit Top Talent

“I cannot tell you what each applicant wants most because only the applicant knows that, but I can tell you how to find out what applicants value most: Ask them what they want or expect from their jobs.”

From DDI’s Talent Management Intelligence: Why Super Human-Capital Manufacturers Outperform Their Peers

“World-class manufacturing is impossible without word-class talent. Yet 70 percent of U.S. manufacturers aren’t anywhere near having world-class human-capital management. That’s one of the findings of a new study DDI has just published in partnership with The MPI Group.”

From Max Nisen: Big data in the workplace

“Hiring decisions have always been limited to a few imperfect factors, including what appears on a resume and what impression a candidate gives off in an informal interview.  That’s all changing.”

Carnivals and Such

Leadership Development Carnival hosted by Karin Hurt

Carnival of HR hosted by Robert Tanner at Management Journey

Wally Bock is a coach, a writer and President of Three Star Leadership.

Posted in Talent Management

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