8/12/10: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

August 12, 2010 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find you the pick of the lot. In this post, you’ll find pointers to pieces about culture, rewards, the costs of hiring Homer Simpson, helping technical experts transition to management, and measuring human capital.

From DDI: Slouching Towards New Normal

“Lately I’ve been obsessing about the power of culture to determine individual action. This has been less of an intellectual exploration than a personal one resulting from experiencing various cultures marking my personal journeys nowadays. In fact, I write once again from Dubai, the Middle Eastern summer desert heat forcing a consciousness about how to get the few blocks from hotel to office tower in a halfway presentable state. “

Wally’s Comment: Barry Stern raises up the importance of culture. As you read this post, keep in mind the following from Lou Gerstner: “I came to see, in my time at IBM, that culture isn’t just one aspect of the game – it is the game.”

From Compensation Cafe: You Are What You Pay For

“Rewards matter. And they can reveal truths that sit in opposition to touted intentions, values and priorities. Say what you want. In the end, you are what you pay for.”

Wally’s Comment: This is a call to walk that talk you’re talking. What you pay people is a key message about what’s really important to you because pay is a key reward. 

From ERE.net: The Cost of a Bad Hire: Butts in Chairs and How to Convince Hiring Managers to Avoid Them

“I need someone, anyone, now … just put butts in chairs – I don’t care about quality. This must be one of the most feared phrases that a good recruiter can hear, unfortunately, it and phrases like it are not uncommon. A better name for it is “reckless hiring,” as such demands are essentially a directive to source candidates who are the real-world equivalent to Homer Simpson.”

Wally’s Comment: Here’s the deal. When you hire the equivalent of Homer Simpson, it will cost you. Don’t believe me? Then pay attention as Dr. John Sullivan as he lists thirty ways.

From Industry Week: Closing the Leadership Gap

“Preparing a technical expert to become an effective line leader”

Wally’s Comment: Here’s how one company approaches the task of helping technical experts prepare for and succeed in a management job. “Prepare” is the key word.

From Fast Company: Report: Is Human Capital the New Venture Capital?

“How often do we hear about how many millions of dollars a startup raised in this round or that? Venture capital is likely the most oft-cited figure for measuring the potential for a new business’ success, but research firm CB Insights aims to change that misconception in a new report measuring human capital–not venture capital. “

Wally’s Comment: CB Insights provides information on high growth private companies to venture capitalists and other potential investors. Historically this has been about “dollars and deals.” This article is about a report the firm produced on the evaluation of human capital.

Bonus: HR Examiner’s “In The Know v1.27 Onboarding Edition” has five links to resources about onboarding.

Wally Bock is a coach, a writer and President of Three Star Leadership.

Posted in Talent Management

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