9/1/11: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

September 1, 2011 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces on integrating people strategies into management planning, debunking some talent management myths, the case for building a leadership pipeline, and the question of whether you really need superstar talent.

From Derek Irvine: Integrating People Strategies into Your Management Plan

“Too often, critical people management strategies – for risk and for reward – are ignored in overall business plans.”

Wally’s Comment: Derek Irvine’s post concentrates mostly on recognition, but you should consider this in a larger context. Is talent management a part of your business in the same way that, say, accounting is?

From Stuart Shaw: 4 Talent Management Myths Debunked

“Hands up if you like to see myths debunked? I do. I love to see accepted wisdom turned on its head. I love the idea that ‘everything you know or thought was right is wrong’. I especially love it when the myths are so BIG that it’s a pleasure to pass them on. So here are 4 big talent management myths that have been exposed:”

Wally’s Comment: I love myth debunking and Stuart Shaw is trashing some of my favorites. Here’s one of them: “That high performers can port their performance into new settings.” Read the post for the other three.

From i4cp Pitney Bowes – The Business Case for Building a Leadership Pipeline

“Guilherme Dias, Director of Strategic Talent Management at Pitney Bowes, Canada was a speaker at the Strategic Talent Management & Leadership Development Canada, which was held in Toronto, ON in July 2011. This is a recap of the presentation and challenges/solutions presented within.”

Wally’s Comment: Leadership pipelines are big discussion items these days, especially in the wake of Steve Jobs’ resignation at Apple. Here’s a look at how one company in a changing market is meeting the challenge.

From Steve Boese: Do you really need superstar talent?

“Attracting top talent, the ‘War for Talent’, engaging talent, myriad HR Technology vendors hoping to sell you solutions for Integrated Talent Management, even this site, with its name Fistful of Talent – there is no shortage of conversation, content, and concern amongst leaders and in organizations about the importance of attracting, deploying, developing, and retaining the right talent in order to have any chance of success in today’s marketplace. But while conceptually the formulas and processes seem pretty simple, the execution is the tricky part.”

Wally’s Comment: There’s some debate about whether you need superstar talent to have a great company. Steve Boese considers some of the evidence, from a study of NBA teams and shares his observations. They may surprise you.

Carnivals, Lists, and Such

The Carnival of HR is hosted at the Rainmaker Group

Wally Bock is a coach, a writer and President of Three Star Leadership.

Posted in Talent Management

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