Are You A Talent Magnet?

February 16, 2011 by Bill Bradley

I am sorry this letter is so long, but I didn’t have time to make it short.                              Attributed to both Blaise Pascal and George Bernard Shaw


Title: The Six Habits of a Talent Magnet

Competencies: leadership, entrepreneurial leadership, building strategic relationships, cross-functional versatility

Who benefits: midlevel leaders and above, entrepreneurs

Consultant Usage: valuable checklist for executive coaches

What’s it about? Today’s post is very short because I want to refer you to another short post and I would rather you spend your time reading it.

If you are in a midlevel or above leadership position or run your own company this is a must read.  If you aren’t and don’t plan to be, you are now excused.  You may hit the delete button. 

The author is an entrepreneur named Tsun-yan Hsieh.  He must be familiar with the quote at the top of the page, because he obviously took a lot of time to say it right in very few words. 

His topic is how to be a talent magnet.  How to attract the very best to your organization or group and then what to do with them when they are on board.  He works with a list of six “do’s”.  Six paragraphs that contain more information than some books I have read. 

What I like best is how broad and all-encompassing his ideas are.  No short term fixes.  No “here is the easy way”.  Just an excellent outline of what you need to do if you really, really, really, want to be a talent magnet.

Catch you later.
[tags]talent magnet, recruiting talent, developing talent, leadership and talent, bill bradley, william bradley, bradley[/tags]

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Engagement

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