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TGIF – Time To Get Off The Can

March 25, 2011 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment. Quote of the Week: “The productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of the manager.” Peter Drucker Humor Break: Memo from Management: To maximize productivity and make us more efficient, we are going […]

Posted in Leadership Development, Wellness

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Failure Is An Option

March 23, 2011 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTITIONER Title: Failure Happens! Competencies: self-development, managing self, adaptability/flexibility/stress tolerance, self-control Who benefits: all of us Consultant Usage: good background information for executive coaches and management trainers What’s it about?  My favorite vacation destination is Zihuatanejo, Mexico.  Many friends and acquaintances have said “Where?”  “Never heard of it!”  I ask them, […]

Posted in Leadership Development, Wellness

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TGIF – Stand Up For Something

March 18, 2011 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment. Quote of the Week: I don’t mind that I’m fat. You still get the same money. Marlon Brando Humor Break: It is well documented that for every mile that you jog, you add one minute to your life. […]

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Empowered Heroes

March 16, 2011 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTITIONER Title: Does Your Company Allow for Heroes? Competencies: customer service, sales and marketing Who benefits: primarily senior managers and executives, secondarily anyone interested in delivering excellent customer service Consultant Usage: important for executive coaches and trainers who are involved with a client’s customer service or sales and marketing What’s it […]

Posted in Leadership Development

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TGIF – Men, Women & Money

March 11, 2011 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment. Quote of the Week: Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.  Timothy Leary Humor Break: Little known fact about Compensation Practices: Your pay raise is just large enough to increase your taxes and just […]

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The Wit and Wisdom of Einstein

March 9, 2011 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTITIONER Title: Who knew? Competencies: creativity, innovation, managing self, problem solving, communications, self-development Who benefits: any reader of this Blog Consultant Usage: useful quotes in training and consulting situations What’s it about? I have been researching famous people and famous quotes recently.  I kept coming across quotes from Albert Einstein.  It […]

Posted in Engagement, Wellness

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TGIF – “Man vs Email”

March 4, 2011 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment. Quote of the Week: I am definitely going to take a course on time management… just as soon as I can work it into my schedule. Louis E. Boone Humor Break: Time is nature’s way of keeping […]

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She Wasn’t Really Listening

March 2, 2011 by Bill Bradley

     No one really listens to anyone else, and if you try it for a while you’ll see why.             Mignon McLaughlin HOT READS FOR THE PRACTITIONER Title: Tune Me In Please Competency: Listening skills Who benefits: every one of us Consultant Usage: trainer references and feel free to use my story What’s it about? When […]

Posted in Leadership Development

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TGIF – Live Long And Prosper

February 25, 2011 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment. Quote of the Week: I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying.  Woody Allen Humor Break: Q: What do you call people who abandon their diets?  A: Desserters! […]

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Work Is So Not You

February 23, 2011 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTITIONER Title: Detach Yourself from Your Work Competencies: managing self, self control, stress management, self development Who benefits: any employee Consultant Usage: very useful summary for executive coaches What’s it about? During my peak performance years I stressed a lot about work.  Put in long hours.  Took it home with me.  […]

Posted in Engagement, Wellness

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