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A Present Today No Matter What Your Beliefs

December 24, 2008 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTIONER Title: The Best Business Books of 2008 Competency: self-development Who benefits: you Consultant Usage: self-development and references What’s it about? I am declaring today a holiday for everyone who reads business books. put together a slide show of the 10 best business books for 2008.  As an avid reader […]

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Performance Preview!

December 17, 2008 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTIONER Title: Get Rid of the Performance Review! Competencies: performance management, performance appraisal Who benefits: managers/supervisors, employees, organization Consultant Usage: organizational development and human resource development What’s it about?  One of my least favorite authors has written a short article about one of my least favorite topics.  Oddly, the results are […]

Posted in Engagement, Relate, Wellness

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Time For Your First New Year’s Resolution

December 10, 2008 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTIONER Title: What Got You Here Won’t Get You There Competencies: self-development, career development, coaching, talent management Who benefits: motivated individuals, manager/supervisors who coach, professional coaches Consultant Usage: excellent resource for professional coaches or talent management consultants What’s it about?  It is never too early to make New Year’s resolution.  Especially […]

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Calling All New Leaders

December 3, 2008 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTIONER Title: Leadership Transitions Version 3.0 Competencies: self development, leadership, numerous managerial competencies Who benefits: leaders in transition Consultant Usage: coaching/training tool What’s it about? In less than six weeks the US will have a new President.  The changing of the guard, the transition, is likely to be unlike any we […]

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What do Tiger, Yo-Yo, Steve and Jeffery Have In Common?

November 26, 2008 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTIONER Title: Why Talent Is Overrated Competencies: self-development, talent management, performance management Who benefits: individuals with career aspirations, managers and supervisors of high potential employees, coaches Consultant Usage: career development, career coaching, executive coaching What’s it about? Two 22-year olds.  Recent college grads.  Hired by a large company along with a […]

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To Be, Or Not To Be? It’s a Choice!

November 19, 2008 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTIONER Title: The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less Competencies: self development, time management, decision making Who benefits: individuals with an open mind and a slightly philosophical bent Consultant Usage: limited use for coaches and time management trainers What’s it about? A few weeks ago I did a posting about […]

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Things Are Going To Be Different

November 12, 2008 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTIONER Title: Managing personal, professional and organizational change Competencies: change management, self-development Who benefits: individuals, managers and leaders, organizational consultants Consultant Usage: coaching, training, intrapersonal reflection What’s it about? I am writing this posting from Mexico, beachside, and I am not as current with recent events as I might be stateside.  […]

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Be A Better Coach

November 5, 2008 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTIONER Title: Psychometrics in Coaching Competency: coaching Who benefits: professional coaches and organizational consultants Consultant Usage: various assessment tools for coaching What’s it about? A psychologist tells his patient “I have completed my diagnosis and have determined that you are a psychoceramic.” “What in the world is a pyschoceramic” asks the […]

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Got Time To Read This?

October 29, 2008 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTIONER Title: Time Management Competency: self-development Who benefits: individuals, coaches, organizational consultants Consultant Usage: coaching, training, consulting for organizational effectiveness What’s it about? I had the pleasure recently of coaching a young woman who has exceptional technical skills along with an extraordinary set of skills we attribute to high emotional intelligence.  […]

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Maybe It’s Time

October 22, 2008 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTIONER Title: Your Next Job Competency: self-development Who benefits: individuals searching for new job opportunities, coaches Consultant Usage: coaches, internal outplacement consultants What’s it about? “May you live in interesting times.”  This ancient proverb is meant as a curse.  We may now be living in interesting times.  Just read the business […]

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