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Talent Management Facts #45

April 5, 2015 by Ken Nowack

  “42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.” Steven Wright Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world. Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. According to a recent survey conducted by Right Management, the top priority for HR managers this year will be […]

Posted in 360 Degree Feedback, Leadership Development, Relate, Talent Management

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How Competitive Are You?

March 29, 2015 by Ken Nowack

“If any of my competitors were drowning, I’d stick a hose in their mouth.” Ray Kroc No matter where we are in the world, we seem to adore athletes that rise to the occasion and demonstrate their competitive spirit. We also tend to cringe when colleagues are too competitive with us (and others) and seem […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate

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Free Coaching Exercise: My Calling

March 25, 2015 by Ken Nowack

This free exercise, and dozens of others, were created for our book, Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It. You can learn more about Clueless by visiting our site or you can buy it from today. Purpose of Exercise: Guide clients to reflect on their purpose in life. How to Administer and Use […]

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Leadership Development Shams: Why 360-Feedback Doesn’t Work

March 22, 2015 by Ken Nowack

“Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger.”   Franklin P. Jones Cigarettes in the United States all come with health warning labels on boxes—perhaps vendors should do the same in marketing and selling multi-rater assessments that are so commonly used by coaches, consultants and organizational practitioners. […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Wellness


The Secrets Vendors Won’t Tell You About 360 Feedback

March 15, 2015 by Ken Nowack

“The real secret of magic lies in the performance”  David Copperfield Multi-rater or 360-degree feedback, was used by approximately 90% of Fortune 500 companies last year. Under ideal circumstances, 360-degree feedback should be used as an assessment for professional development, rather than, evaluation ((Tornow, W., London, M. (1998). Maximizing the value of 360-degree feedback. San […]

Posted in Leadership Development

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Free Coaching Exercise: My Life Line

March 11, 2015 by Ken Nowack

This free exercise, and dozens of others, were created for our book, Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It. You can learn more about Clueless by visiting our site or you can buy it from today. Purpose of Exercise: In this exercise clients plot significant events their life. How to Administer and Use […]

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New 360 Feedback Research Findings

March 8, 2015 by Ken Nowack

“Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger.”   Franklin B. Jones As some of my readers know, my wife and I raise guide dog puppies for the blind and now have Enzo who is 4 months old. At nine months of age, all guide dog […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate

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360 Feedback and Management Training: The Weak Forces in Human Resources

March 2, 2015 by Ken Nowack

“In his later years Pablo Picasso was not allowed to roam an art gallery unattended, for he had previously been discovered in the act of trying to improve on one of his old masterpieces.” Unknown Getting people and leaders to change is pretty important—particularly enhancing behaviors associated with increased effectiveness. The “magnitude” of change or […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development

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Talent Management Facts #44

March 1, 2015 by Ken Nowack

“42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.” Steven Wright Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world. Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. According to the CIPD/Halogen Software Employee Outlook survey, 33% of employees in the public sector stated they believed their organization’s […]

Posted in 360 Degree Feedback, Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Selection, Talent Management, Wellness

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Factors that Impact Effective 360 Feedback: Part II

February 23, 2015 by Ken Nowack

“A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.” Groucho Marx There are six important factors that most vendors won’t tell you about that directly impact the effectiveness and success of multi-rater feedback (see my last Blog for the first three).  In Part II of this Blog I will continue to explore […]

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