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How Are We Seen By Others?

November 16, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Albert Einstein How are we seen by others? Are we seen the same by our boss, colleagues and others? What are they actually evaluating? Current research suggests that we are globally evaluated by everyone on two universal aspects of human behavior ((Judd, C. et al., (2005). […]

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The Secrets of Group Emotional Intelligence

November 9, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Henry Ford Have you ever worked on a team (e.g., task force or committee) that really worked effectively? Just how well a group performs on a wide range of different tasks is a way to define and measure “collective group intelligence” or “C”. Who […]

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Talent Management Facts #41

November 2, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.”  Steven Wright Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world.  Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. While most employees sought job opportunities in 2014, a majority of human resources professionals planned to stay put according to […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Selection, Talent Management

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To Get Ahead, it Pays to Be Nice (Not)

October 5, 2014 by Ken Nowack

 “The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an argument going.” George Carlin It seems that that nasty people (particularly when they are bosses) seem to make the lives of other’s miserable even if they have more status, make more money and have more power. In general, being cooperative, flexible, […]

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Talent Management Facts #40

September 28, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.”  Steven Wright Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world.  Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. The new Jobs Rated study reported on the nation’s least stressful jobs for 2014: 1) Audiologist; 2) Hair stylist; 3) Jeweler; […]

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Emotional and Social Competence–Collection of Blogs

September 14, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.” Bill Watterson What do we know about the fad around emotional intelligence? Do women have higher EI than men? What exactly is emotional and social competence? Is EI different from cognitive intelligence? How do you measure this concept? […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Talent Management

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How Do You Best Grow Leaders?

September 7, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.” Bernice Johnson Reagon The last guide dog puppy we raised for the blind named Indy was recently dropped from the program in his attempt at becoming a service animal for someone who is sight impaired (he was diagnosed with […]

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Work, Vacations and Drinking (In that Order)

August 31, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” Vince Lombardi Work Hours and Health How many hours, on average, a day do you work? Less than 7 7 to 8 9 to 11 More than 11 If you regularly work very long hours, you may want to reconsider. A study by Mika Kiivimaki […]

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Talent Management Facts #39

August 24, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.” Steven Wright Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world.  Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. Stress is the number one workforce risk issue, ranking above physical inactivity and obesity, according to the 2013/2014 Towers Watson […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Wellness

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The Neurobiology of Followership

August 17, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“I am reminded how hollow the label of leadership sometimes is and how heroic followership can be.” Warren Bennis People follow leaders for two reasons–the first is because they believe that the leader has a vision of a better tomorrow (more accurate knowledge and ability to translate it into results) and the second is that […]

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