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Emotional Intelligence: The State of the Fad Part II

January 30, 2011 by Ken Nowack

“There are some people who, if they don’t already know, you can’t tell ’em.” Yogi Berra Current EI Issues and Controversies Anyone confused about what emotional intelligence really is, how to define it and how to measure it? You should be.  No doubt this list is incomplete but here are a few issues that have […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Selection


Emotional Intelligence: The State of the Fad Part I

January 23, 2011 by Ken Nowack

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat. Lewis Carroll, 1865 An article of mine in Talent Management Magazine describes […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate


Leadership Lessons Raising Our Guide Dog Puppy Rocco #5: Do Early Birds Get the Worms in Business?

January 16, 2011 by Ken Nowack

“Rise early. It is the early bird that catches the worm. Don’t be fooled by this absurd saw; I once knew a man who tried it. He got up at sunrise and a horse bit him.” Mark Twain Rocco, our 14-week guide dog in training does a lot of sleeping as a puppy.  It’s interesting […]

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Leadership Lessons Raising Our Guide Dog Puppy Rocco #4: Mastering Leadership Basics

January 9, 2011 by Ken Nowack

“Whatever you are, be a good one.” Abraham Lincoln Rocco is now 14-weeks old and learning his basic skills of leadership for guide dog puppies. Here is what is doing pretty well in terms of “basic skills”: Sitting Laying down Walking on a leash (with his guide dog bib) Sleeping Eating really really fast Here […]

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Rehab is For Quitters–When Quitting is Actually Healthier for You

January 2, 2011 by Ken Nowack

“There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction” Winston Churchill Happy 2011! Did you make a New Years resolution?  If you are like most people you did–and probably will relapse back to your old habits within 90 days. Old habits are indeed very tough to break and relapse seems greatest […]

Posted in Engagement, Wellness

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Talent Resilience: Who Are the Hardy?

December 26, 2010 by Ken Nowack

“Inside of a ring or out, ain’t nothing wrong with going down. It’s staying down that’s wrong.” Muhammad Ali Perceptions of stress at work are quite high with several recent studies by Envisia Learning Inc. suggesting that 40% to 65%of all executives and employees rate their jobs as being very or extremely stressful with significant […]

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Planning on Getting Enough Sleep Over the Upcoming Holidays?

December 19, 2010 by Ken Nowack

“The amount of sleep required by the average person is five minutes more.” Wilson Mizener I woke up tired this morning and know exactly why…I didn’t get both enough sleep and good quality sleep last night. Good thing I’m not making executive decisions, flying the space shuttle or doing delicate brain surgery, not to mention […]

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Leadership Lessons Raising our Guide Dog Puppy Rocco #3: I looked in the Mirror and Saw Someone Else

December 12, 2010 by Ken Nowack

The man with insight enough to admit his limitations comes nearest to perfection.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Rocco is now about 10 weeks old and we knew sooner than later he would wander into our bedroom closet and find the mirror on the wall.  Every one of our 4 guide dogs have reacted the same […]

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Leadership Lessons in Raising a New Guide Dog #2: What Will I Grow Up to Be?

December 5, 2010 by Ken Nowack

“Seeing within changes one’s outer vision” Joseph Chilton Pearce   Our guide dog puppy in training named Rocco has only been with us for a few weeks now and already we are beginning to see his personality being expressed and developing more fully. We can’t help but wonder what his career destiny will bebut hopefully […]

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Leadership Lessons in Raising a New Guide Dog #1: Lack of Sleep and Emotional Intelligence

November 28, 2010 by Ken Nowack

“You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus” Mark Twain We welcome Rocco, our new Guide Dog puppy my wife and I are raising to hopefully help someone who is sight impaired. Rocco is an 8-week old beautiful yellow lab owned by Guide Dogs of America and we are beginning a new […]

Posted in Leadership Development, Relate, Wellness


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