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Leadership Lessons from Ajax #18: Resilience–the Art of Bouncing Back

November 15, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“The leaders I met, whatever walk of life they were from, whatever institutions they were presiding over, always referred back to the same failure something that happened to them that was personally difficult, even traumatic, something that made them feel that desperate sense of hitting bottom–as something they thought was almost a necessity. It’s as […]

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Are Night Owls Better Performers?

November 8, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“I’m not asleep… but that doesn’t mean I’m awake” Unknown We know that sleep problems create problems for both employees and organizations.  For individuals even a few hours less sleep than you normally require will contribute to impairment in memory, psychomotor functioning, mood and susceptibility to getting a cold.  For organizations, it affects the bottom […]

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Leaders Who Push Their Weight Around

November 1, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. Jim Rohn OK, in the interest of full disclosure I’ve added a few pounds in the last few years around the middle like many Americans.  So I’m entitled a bit to comment on the growing issue of the cost to organizations of […]

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Bummed Out Leaders

October 25, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“I feel my best when I’m happy.” Winona Ryder Emotions do indeed play a role in productivity, morale of talent and customer service. Any guess what medical condition or health risk is the most costly to employers? If you guessed stress, smoking, obesity, inactivity or diabetes you are way off the mark.  In fact, the […]

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Leadership Lessons from Ajax #17: How Long Does it Take to Form a Habit?

October 18, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” Jim Ryun In raising Ajax, our 7-month year old guide dog puppy in training, we have learned alot again about just how long it takes to learn a new habit.  Our first guide dog puppy seemed to take forever to learn new habits […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development

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Bosses are Tougher Raters than Direct Reports

October 11, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure.” Mark Twain The prevalence of self-enhancement (i.e., high regard for one’s own skills and abilities) is not hotly debated but there is controversy on whether it is adaptive or maladaptive which has implications for understanding and interpreting multi-rater feedback ((Nowack, K. (in press).  […]

Posted in Leadership Development, Relate, Selection

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Do Psychologists Make Better Executive Coaches?

October 4, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.” John Wooden The use of executive coaching has been an increasingly popular trend in organizations. There are numerous professional organizations and training institutes devoted specifically to this particular intervention—each with different theoretical models, approaches, processes and ethical/professional guidelines. Many of the larger human resources consulting […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development


More Talent Management Facts #8

September 27, 2009 by Ken Nowack

Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world. Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. During the 2009 recession, dating web sites like and have experienced their greatest membership growth since 9/11 (20%).  No mention if office romances have also increased. 2. US employers expect health […]

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Leadership Lessons from Ajax #16: Staying

September 20, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“I shut my eyes in order to see.” Paul Gauguin Ajax is now a little over 6 months old on his journey to become a guide dog for the blind.  We are working hard every day with him to focus on basic commands and to socialize him to the world around him.  A tough command […]

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Leadership Lessons from Ajax #15: Predicting Future Leader Success

September 13, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“Learn to see, and then you’ll know that there is no end to the new worlds of our vision.” Carolos Casteneda I just got back from a short work and play weekend in Denver and had a chance to bring along Ajax, our guide dog puppy in training for the blind.  We are doing everything […]

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