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Picking a CEO: The Real Moneyball

February 5, 2014 by Wally Bock

Picking a new CEO is important. Pick right and you can look forward to years of success. Pick wrong and you just might have a near-death or real-death experience. Just ask Ford about the impact of Alan Mulally or Home Depot about Bob Nardelli’s legacy. We’re not doing a good job of picking our CEOs. […]

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1/31/14: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

January 31, 2014 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces on your leadership development toolbox, improving training, why your top talent may leave in 2014, and recruiting STEM grads. From Right Management: What’s in Your Leadership Development Toolbox? […]

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Recruiting: All Data, Great and Small

January 29, 2014 by Wally Bock

I  just read Jason Berkowitz’ article, “Big Data is Hot, But Sometimes, Small Data Is the Better Way to Go.” Here’s the money quote. “While I don’t disagree that Big Data holds promise (heck, I’ve even spoken on the topic at several HR conferences) I think the rush to embrace Big Data may cause us […]

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1/24/14: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

January 24, 2014 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces best companies for leaders, differentiating in talent development, talent development as the manager’s job, and the importance of talent acquisition. From Chief Executive Magazine: 2014 Best Companies For […]

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Leadership Development Spadework

January 22, 2014 by Wally Bock

When McKinsey & Company asked over 500 executives to rank their top human capital priorities, leadership development came out on top. But most of those same executives think they need to upgrade their programs, according to “Why leadership-development programs fail,” by Pierre Gurdjian, Thomas Halbeisen, and Kevin Lane. “Only 7 percent of senior managers polled […]

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1/17/14: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

January 17, 2014 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces on hiring experts favorite interview questions, building a bullet-proof talent strategy, why it’s less expensive to develop rather than hire, and the responsibility for developing leaders. From Businessweek: […]

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Managers for a Networked World

January 15, 2014 by Wally Bock

“The test of a manager is whether he or she adds value to the team. Are they more productive with the manager or without?” My friend Jim Pancero was talking about sales managers, but he could have been talking about anyone responsible for the performance of a group. And since I heard Jim say that, […]

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1/10/14: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

January 10, 2014 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about hiring by audition, succession planning, training fads, and how Twitter manages talent. From Matt Mullenweg: Hire by Auditions, Not Resumes “It all starts with the way we […]

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Talent Development for Knowledge Workers

January 8, 2014 by Wally Bock

Janet’s youngest child just got her driver’s license. Janet is thinking about what she calls “resuming” her career. Janet is the cutting edge of the teleworker trend. Working from home allowed her to have children and be the mom she thought she should be. Now her oldest is going to college next year and her […]

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1/2/14: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

January 2, 2014 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about maximizing talent management, being nice to new hires, succession at GM and Ford, and fifteen CEOs who spent their entire career at their company. From John Boudreau, […]

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