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Evidence-Based Talent Development

April 30, 2013 by Wally Bock

Evidence-based decisions are good. We all seem to agree on that. But once you do, you run up against a warning from economist Richard Thaler. “You can’t make evidence-based decisions without evidence.” So, where do you find evidence to use for your talent development decision making? Look for knowledgeable interpretations of research studies. Interpretation is […]

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4/25/13: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

April 25, 2013 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about reviewing your talent assessment practices, the future of employee learning, trying a different part of the talent pool, and John Sullivan’s suggests for top recruiting topics. From […]

Posted in Talent Management

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HiPos, Warren Buffett, and Me

April 23, 2013 by Wally Bock

Back when tech stocks were booming and long before the bubble burst, someone noticed that Warren Buffett didn’t have any of those hot stocks in his portfolio. Since everyone wants to have the kind of investing success that Buffett has enjoyed, someone was bound to ask about issue. Buffett’s reasoning was simple. He knew there […]

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4/18/13: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

April 18, 2013 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about recruiting, management coaching, development goals, and high potentials. From Industry Week: Workforce: The Recruiting Challenge “In the battle for top talent, Shaw Industries continually refines its message […]

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Vary the Talent Development Pace

April 16, 2013 by Wally Bock

We’re not meant to run full speed all the time. That’s true for our daily lives where we need breaks and rest. It’s also true for effective talent development. Frederick the Great (1712 – 1786) asked: “What good is experience if you do not reflect?” The pace was slower in his day. Time for reflection […]

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4/11/13: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

April 11, 2013 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about the most pressing concern for HR executives, the biggest trends in HR, big data and recruiting, modeling Google’s HR, and what to do about the ROI of […]

Posted in Talent Management

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Talent Development History: Training Sharpshooters

April 9, 2013 by Wally Bock

General Sir John Moore faced a challenge in the early 1800s. He had served in the British Army during the American Revolution where he experienced the effects of American marksmen. He was aware of what the French were doing with “light infantry” and he wanted to create light infantry units in the British Army. They […]

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4/4/13: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

April 4, 2013 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about onboarding, leadership development,  and Walmart’s leadership academy. From HBS Working Knowledge: First Minutes are Critical in New-Employee Orientation “Employee orientation programs ought to be less about the […]

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Walmart’s Leadership Academy

April 2, 2013 by Wally Bock

Leadership development is a big challenge for Walmart. They employ more than 2 million people, about three times the population of Charlotte, NC, where I live. Those people are in 27 different countries. You need lots of leaders for all levels of a company that big. And you want the quality to be high enough […]

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3/28/13: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

March 28, 2013 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces on questions about leadership development, causes of the leadership shortage, more companies using outside recruiters, big data in recruiting and HR, and developing female leaders. From Dan McCarthy: […]

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