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6 Truths about Great Talent Management

April 10, 2012 by Wally Bock

John Mills, executive vice president of Business Development at Rideau Recognition Solutions, has an article at Industry Week urging “smart talent managers” to get out of the office and in touch with people. Here’s the part that caught my eye. “According to the latest Global Assessment Trends report, a research guide published by human resources […]

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4/5/12: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

April 5, 2012 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces on the truth about the talent situation, Six Sigma and HR, how the “new” War for Talent will change the workplace, and winning the global War for Talent. From Jon Ingham: […]

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Talent Management: the Important Questions

April 3, 2012 by Wally Bock

“I have no idea.” Dave was one of the best HR people I ever knew, only he called his department “Personnel” back in the early 1970s. That’s when the CEO asked him how many people there were in the company. He didn’t know. I was shocked. I mean, you would expect the head of a […]

Posted in Talent Management


3/29/12: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

March 29, 2012 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about improving talent management processes. There are posts on the process itself, creating effective job descriptions, taking control of global talent management, and two posts on workforce analytics. From Steven Hunt: […]

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The Development Journey

March 27, 2012 by Wally Bock

The New York Times recently ran an article by Natasha Singer titled “Helping Managers Find, and Fix, Their Flaws.” Here’s the lead. “MANY management coaches teach executives specific skills toward becoming better mentors, delegators or supervisors. Not the minds at Minds at Work, in Cambridge, Mass. The company, founded by Robert Kegan, a professor at […]

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3/22/12: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

March 22, 2012 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about job boards in the hiring process, the importance of a college degree as a job requirement, global trends in talent management, and War for Talent, the sequel. From TLNT: New […]

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One talent does not fit all

March 20, 2012 by Wally Bock

I was reading Mike Hoban’s excellent post “Lessons from the Zappos Culture Playbook” when I started thinking about Doreen. Mike wrote about the Zappos culture and then compares it with the culture at Apple. Here’s the line that set off my train of thought. “I’m currently reading Isaacson’s superb biography of Steve Jobs and it […]

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3/15/12: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

March 15, 2012 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces on CEO succession, “big talent,” men and women stars and how they’re treated differently, talent management for an aging workforce, and how to keep talent from walking out the door. From […]

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What would a top HR pro look like?

March 13, 2012 by Wally Bock

Last week, Meredith Soleau, wrote a provocative post on Fistful of Talent with the title, “What CEOs Hate About HR People.” Here’s how she set the stage for the piece. “So here I am, on assignment from the Boss Man, writing about what CEOs hate about HR people. I’ve interviewed five CEOs. Their companies range […]

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3/8/12: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

March 8, 2012 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about recruiting and retention, mentoring for future leaders, and HR analytics. From Dana Theus: Want to Attract Talent? Be Talent! “Why? People like to work with and for people they like […]

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