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10/28/10: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

October 28, 2010 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about human capital metrics, the candidate experience, a coming turnover storm, helping your developing leaders learn to be “clutch,” and improving corporate learning. From TLNT: 10 Ways to Develop High Quality […]

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Learning from Experience

October 26, 2010 by Wally Bock

In one of the classic business stories, a bright, young manager stands in front of the CEO’s desk, knowing what’s about to happen. He made a bad decision and the company lost a lot of money because of it. The manager is sure this is his exit interview. He puts those thoughts aside to listen […]

Posted in Leadership Development

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10/21/10: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

October 21, 2010 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about compensation as part of talent management, talent magnets and talent poachers, hiring for attitude, the people or strategy debate, and competitive advantage. From Compensation Cafe: That’s Nice but I’m Just […]

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Turning High Potential into High Performance

October 19, 2010 by Wally Bock

The Wall Street Journal recently ran an article aimed at those “high potential” people every company seems to crave. The title was “Getting Ahead as a ‘High-Potential’ Manager.” Author Joann Lublin included good advice for “hi-pos” that mostly boiled down to “follow the rules and don’t turn into a jerk.” Then, there’s this. “‘HiPos’ like […]

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10/14/10: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

October 14, 2010 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find the very best posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about metrics, people as parts, hiring and smiling, pay for performance, and the 2010 IBM Global CHRO Study. From Stephen J. Gill: Count What Counts “Are we measuring what really matters in organizations? […]

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Talent Development for Little Guys

October 12, 2010 by Wally Bock

Last week I came across an article from Singapore Management University with the following title: “A challenge to SMEs: creating creative ways to attract talent.” Here’s the lead. “According to a recent poll of undergraduates and recent graduates of the three local universities, Singapore Management University (SMU), National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological […]

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10/7/10: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

October 7, 2010 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about “accidental managers,” finding your hidden performers, the business case for leadership development, characteristics of competent CEOs, and using HR metrics. From DDI: Rescuing the ‘Accidental Manager’ “The Washington Post’s leadership […]

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Call off the Accountants

October 5, 2010 by Wally Bock

Abraham Maslow advised us that, “He that is good with a hammer tends to think everything is a nail.” That’s only part of the story. It’s also true that if the only measurement system you use is economic, you tend to try to understand everything in economic terms. That may be fine if your goal […]

Posted in Talent Management


9/30/10: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

September 30, 2010 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find the very best talent development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to pieces about leadership as an occupation, employee screening, individual development plans, strengths-based talent management, and workforce analytics. From HR Bartender: Is Leadership an Occupation “Recently, I met someone who’s looking for a […]

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Creating People Advantage in Volatile Times

September 28, 2010 by Wally Bock

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and the World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA) have just released “Creating People Advantage 2010: How Companies Can Adapt Their HR Practices for Volatile Time.” The report is based on the results of their online survey of 5561 human resources and business unit executives from over 100 countries. Here […]

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