Besting The Tsunamis Of Life

April 13, 2011 by Bill Bradley


Title: Reader Responses

Competencies: managing self, self-development

Who benefits: all of us

Consultant Usage: not so much this week

What’s it about? Last week I did a review of a post on a Blog created by Tony Schwartz.  As a recap, I used this quote from his post:  “Do you have the feeling, as I do, that in the tsunami of everyday life, we’re getting too much of stuff we don’t need, and not enough of what we do? Herewith my first set of suggestions about how to redress the imbalance:”

He went on to list 30 things we don’t need and 30 things we more of.  I then challenged you readers to add to the list.  I thoroughly enjoyed all your responses.  I also took time to reflect upon them.  Thank you.

I didn’t ask permission to use your names, so ye shall remain anonymous but appreciated.  Below is the new list that you have begun.  I can’t resist adding my own two cents to your suggestions.  If you are a new comer (e.g. didn’t read last week’s post), feel free to add to the list in the comment section below.  Now here are your suggestions:

#1 need less bitterness … need more bitter chocolate

I confess that this was my favorite.  It is both clever and points toward one of my favorite philosophical questions and one of the best responses ever made:  What is the meaning of life? All evidence to date suggests it’s chocolate.

#2 need less finger pointing … need more humility

I have often wondered if we were born without an index finger would there be less blaming?

#3 need less individualism … need more fellowship

The individual suggesting this makes reference to an outstanding online video from David Brooks on TED Talks.  It is a great investment of 19 minutes!

#4 need less analysis … need more appreciation

I think this one has several different correct interpretations.  But in my own introspection it strikes a hot button.  Bluntly it goes like this: “If you like what I have done, don’t question my motives.”

#5 need less entitlement … need more whole foods

I would subtitle this one “Food for thought”.

#6 need less virtual time … need more real time

And this is why I don’t own a cellphone, therefore don’t text, don’t tweet, don’t social network (with a rare Facebook exception).  I don’t talk to people who “multi-task” when I am one of the tasks.  Want to talk?  Stop everything else and look me in the eye. 

#7 need less selfish … need more selfless

Ah, were that but true.  In our Friday TGIF posts we have a final line called Volunteer Tips to encourage the “selfless” part.  We are still seeking ways to get “selfish” out of the environment.

Thank you readers for your responses.  They were all “Food for thought”. 

Catch you later.
[tags]tony schwartz, david brooks, ted talk, envisia, envisia learning, bill bradley, william bradley, bradley[/tags]

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Engagement, Wellness

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