Career In Transition?

May 27, 2009 by Bill Bradley


Title: Career Transition Kit

Competencies: self-development, managing talent

Who benefits: employees losing their jobs, the unemployed

Consultant Usage: good aids in organization outplacement training or coaching

What’s it about? Today’s posting will be on the short side…that will greatly please my bosses!  I am trying to stay employed.  Aren’t we all?  As I write this the unemployment rate is at its highest in decades.  So getting your next job seems to be a good topic for today.

I received my initial training in outplacement and working with the future unemployed back in the early 80s at the old Getty Oil Company.  I was part of a team that had to help 5,000 people find new jobs over an 8-month period.  (At the end of the assignment I was told the actual number was 5,001…but that is another story.)

It was in this assignment that I became aware of products produced by PRITCHETT.  I don’t know the folks at that company.  Much of my opinion about the company was formed through the excellent telephone customer service I received.  (Wish my cable and telephone companies would provide the same level of service!!!)

What they do best is produce short, pity booklets.  Their material is very simple, which could turn off some readers.  They use lots of white space.  A 64-page booklet from them might well be a 16-page booklet from another company.  So it is a legitimate concern to ask if their prices are equal to the value received.

My experience says yes.  People who know their jobs are jeopardy, or know of an upcoming termination date, or are in fact already unemployed are living in a highly emotional world and are somewhat oblivious to data and facts that are normal in more routine times.  What they are seeking is reassurance AND a kick-in-the-butt.  They need and want short, simple advice and direction.

In my opinion PRITCHETT delivers that very well.  One of their newer products is the Career Transition Kit.  The kit contains 4 short booklets, including one cleverly entitled “You2”, a longer how-to-get-your-next-job booklet, a job search quiz (very well done) and a DVD.

It looks like they are marketing mainly to organizations that would in turn distribute the material to the affected employees.  But the kit is certainly available to individuals willing to invest $99 in their future (for some reason they list the kit price as $99 on one page and $125 on another page…suggest you ask why and with a little push I am guessing they will give you the lower price no matter why the two prices).

If you or a friend or even your organization is stuck in a rut, check out this kit.

Catch you later. 

[tags]unemployed, career, career search, career management, job search, job search tools, job hunting, job interviewing, networking, downsizing, bill bradley, william bradley,  bradley[/tags]

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Engagement, Relate, Wellness

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