Viewing Category: Engagement

TGIF – College Grads Cleaning Up

February 22, 2013 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment. Quote of the Week: “During my second year of nursing school our professor gave us a quiz.  I breezed through the questions until I read the last one:  ‘What is the first name of the woman who […]

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Talent Management Facts #28

February 17, 2013 by Ken Nowack

“42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.” Steven Wright Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world. Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. Only 2 percent of human resources executives say yearly evaluations are useful, according to a recent poll of 2,677 people […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Selection, Wellness

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The Secret to Flourishing (In Relationships, At Work and Health)

February 3, 2013 by Ken Nowack

“Fall seven times; stand up eight.” Japanese proverb Is it possible to actually predict how long relationships will last, how healthy we will be or how well teams will be high performers just based on the ration of positive to negative interactions with others? It appears that we can and that all of the above […]

Posted in Engagement, Relate

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TGIF – Get The Lead Out, Smart Ass

February 1, 2013 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment. Quote of the Week: “In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.”  Napoleon Humor Break: “I was standing in the park wondering why Frisbees got bigger as they get closer. Then it hit me.”  (probably Steven Wright) Stat […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development

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The Confusing State of Measuring Employee Engagement

January 27, 2013 by Ken Nowack

“A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.” Groucho Marx The Towers Watson Global 2012 Workforce Study covers more than 32,000 employees selected from research panels that represent the populations of full-time employees working in large and mid-size organizations across a range of industries in 29 markets around […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Wellness

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Make Someone Happy

January 22, 2013 by Wally Bock

“Disengaged workers cost the U.S. economy $350 billion a year in lost productivity. Here’s how the happiest companies boost morale and the bottom line.” That’s the promise of a Fast Company article titled “Secrets Of America’s Happiest Companies.” Those “happiest companies” were selected by an outfit called (I’m not making this up) CareerBliss. They derive […]

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Practice Makes….Better (Up to a Point)

January 20, 2013 by Ken Nowack

“If practice makes perfect, and no one’s perfect, then why practice?” Billy Corgan     Practice makes perfecct according to an old saying.  Or at least if you do it enough you will become an expert.  Or does it? There is, in fact, a big difference between “experts” and those “who are expert” in what […]

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Living History

January 2, 2013 by Bill Bradley

Title: History in the Making Competency: self-development Who benefits: concerned citizens Consultant Usage: website reference What’s it about? What’s new in the New Year?  I would like to offer an “eye-opener”, albeit down several paragraphs. As regular readers of my weekly columns know well, I continue to gush (harp?) on Coursera, the 2.0 Online FREE […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development


Talent Development Facts #27

December 23, 2012 by Ken Nowack

“42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.”  Steven Wright Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world.  Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. In 2011, Oxford Economics built a unique global ranking model based on a weighted composite index to compare and benchmark […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Selection, Wellness


The Year’s Best

December 19, 2012 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTITIONER Title: My List of the Best Books, Articles, Websites, and Videos Reviewed in 2012 Competencies: customer service, conflict management, leadership, ethics, trustworthiness, creativity/innovation, self-development, accountability, and more Who benefits: everyone who works for a living and those interested in the topics Consultant Usage: stay up-to-date with the most important information […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development

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