Viewing Category: Engagement

Easy Name–Easy Promotion

September 16, 2012 by Ken Nowack

“All British people have plain names, and that works pretty well over there.” Paris Hilton Does your name have any real impact on your career and life success? If so, we should take a look at the top baby names for 2011 in the United States: Boys: Aiden, Jackson, Mason, Liam, Jacob, Jayden, Ethan and […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Selection

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TGIF – Is Your Office Productivity Leaking?

September 14, 2012 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment. Quote of the Week: “The productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of the manager.”  Peter Drucker Humor Break: Bev: Al, it says here in the paper that good workers get assigned all […]

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The Secret to Health, Performance and Success: The Positivity to Negativity Ratio

September 9, 2012 by Ken Nowack

“If you have nothing to say, say nothing.” Mark Twain Here’s the answer: at least 3:1 to 5:1. What’s the question? Is there a universal ratio (P/N) of positive to negative communications, interactions and behaviors that predicts individual health, longevity, performance, relationship success and how team’s perform? Across different disciplines, researchers continue to find an […]

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TGIF – It’s Back To School Daze

September 7, 2012 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment. Quote of the Week: “You don’t need fancy highbrow traditions or money to really learn. You just need people with the desire to better themselves.”  Unknown Humor Break: Al: These kids today have it made.  When I […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development

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The Power of Belief (or Not)

September 2, 2012 by Ken Nowack

“I can believe anything provided it is incredible.” Oscar Wilde Well, it’s time for electing a new president in the United States. The candidates want us to believe they are the ones to improve our economy, quality of health care provided to all Americans, reduce our budget deficit, improve international reputation and increase our national […]

Posted in Engagement, Wellness

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Latest Update on Rocco–Our Guide Dog Puppy in Training

August 31, 2012 by Ken Nowack

“The only real training for leadership is leadership.” Anthony Jay In my executive coaching assignments I see “leaders” today who seem to have never learned the basic skills of supervision, management and leadership practices. Some have been moved from highly successful “specialist” roles where they relied on technical skills and competencies to roles where building […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate


Bilk To Last

August 29, 2012 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTITIONER Title: Honesty is the Best Policy – Unless You are a Fool, in Which Case We Have Come for Your Money Competencies:  integrity, is trustworthy (organizational level), ethics Who benefits: concerned people Consultant Usage: useful background for organizational consultants and executive coaches What’s it about? Doing research for this Blog […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development

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The Inner Work of Work

August 24, 2012 by Michael Baroff

We spend much of our life in the pursuit of and the doing of “work”. Work can provide us the grist for maintaining a livelihood, developing a career, and personal satisfaction and growth.  At the core of this pursuit are the underlying goals to discover and develop who we are; to engage in relationships with […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development

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TGIF – Disrupt Yourself

August 24, 2012 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment. Quote of the Week: “He was a self-made man who owed his lack of success to nobody.” – Joseph Heller Humor Break: Bev: Al, do you think there is intelligent life out there in the universe? Al: […]

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TGIF – Funny You Say That

August 17, 2012 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment. Quote of the Week:  “I don’t suffer from stress. I’m a carrier.”  Funny Boss Humor Break: Today’s is an old, old joke.  But I am old, old AND I believe in recycling: Lee had just been hired […]

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