Viewing Category: Engagement

I Could Not Disagree More or Less

November 9, 2011 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTITIONER Title: Corporate Responsibility and a Little Ethics Too Competency: leadership, financial leadership, visionary leadership Who benefits: senior managers Consultant Usage: senior organizational development consultants, executive coaches What’s it about?  Every once in a while I like to step back and look at the big picture in the world of business.  […]

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More Talent Management Facts #20

November 6, 2011 by Ken Nowack

Statistics are like bikinis.  What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.  Aaron Levenstein Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world.  Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. In the latest APA Stress in America survey, 69% of employees are satisfied with their employer […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Selection, Wellness

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Yippee! I’m Average…Is That Good?

October 23, 2011 by Ken Nowack

“Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!” George Carlin Most vendors use average scores of raters in their summary reports for 360-degree feedback assessments. For example it’s not uncommon for vendors to show a table summarizing the “most frequent” and “least frequent” behaviors perceived by […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development


When Giving Up is Really Healthier Than Sticking with It

October 16, 2011 by Ken Nowack

 “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Albert Einstein THE PREDICTIVE POWER OF “HOLDING” In a series of studies by Angela Duckworth and colleagues, individuals demonstrating “grit” were more likely to be successful in both academic and job related measures of performance and success ((Duckworth, A., Peterson, C., […]

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You Don’t Know What You Want Until You Are Shown….iStory About Steve Jobs

October 9, 2011 by Ken Nowack

“A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” Steve Jobs I remember the very first personal computer I purchased in the early 1980s with a buddy of mine at an IBM retail store in Beverly Hills, CA.  It was an IBM XT PC with an internal 10MB […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development

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How to Measure Your Coaching Effectiveness

October 2, 2011 by Ken Nowack

“First get your facts; then you distort them at your leisure” Mark Twain How do you know if your coaching intervention was successful? You can always use the “smiley face” approach and just ask for client reactions. Want an improved way to measure client reaction to evaluate your coaching intervention? The “post-then-pre” method of self-report […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development

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How to Screw People in Negotiations (and Get them to See it as Fair)

September 18, 2011 by Ken Nowack

“The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people half way.” Henry Boyle In earlier Blogs I have written about the “pro-social peptide” oxytocin and how it seems to enhance trust and trustworthiness between individuals and teams.  Unfortunately, oxytocin can’t easily be increased artificially but experimentally when it is given to people, […]

Posted in Engagement, Relate


Time to Give Thanks…The Power of Gratitude

September 11, 2011 by Ken Nowack

  “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein As we look back at the anniversary  of 9/11, we should acknowledge the bravery of those who were involved in helping, supporting and assisting those who perished and […]

Posted in Engagement, Wellness


Can You Change a First Impression?

September 9, 2011 by Ken Nowack

“Imagine you have a new colleague at work and your impression of that person is not very favorable. A few weeks later, you meet your colleague at a party and you realize he is actually a very nice guy. Although you know your first impression was wrong, your gut response to your new colleague will […]

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The (Really) Satisfied Customer

September 7, 2011 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTITIONER Title: Customers Control the Economy – And You Damn Well Better Get Used to It Competencies: customer service, sales management Who benefits: middle and senior management Consultant Usage: excellent resource for organizational consulting on business practices, sales management, customer service and some financial planning What’s it about? Somehow when the […]

Posted in Engagement, Wellness


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