Viewing Category: Engagement

Boss Management from the Beach

February 6, 2008 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTIONER  Title: Managing Your Boss (article) Competencies: influence skills, negotiation skills, communication skills, building strategic relationships, building trust, adaptability Who benefits: all employees Consultant Usage: training, coaching What’s it about?  Greetings from Zihuatanejo, Mexico.  I am in my Mexican office: a folding chair with log footstool in a small corner of […]

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A “Little” Peak into the Future

January 30, 2008 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTIONER Title: Microtrends (Book) Competency: strategic planning, change management Who benefits: planners, researchers, entrepreneurs, HRD professionals Consultant Usage: self-development; otherwise limited, except for recommendation to clients What’s it about? January is almost over.  For some of us it is the month we do our personal planning and goal setting.  For even […]

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The Latest Survey Results Suggest….

January 28, 2008 by Ken Nowack

“A telephone survey says that 51 percent of college students drink until they pass out at least once a month. The other 49 percent didn’t answer the phone.”  Craig Kilborn OK, I’ve created a number of surveys myself and confess to being interested in the findings ((Nowack, K. (1990). Getting Them Out and Getting Them […]

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Practical Leadership

January 23, 2008 by Bill Bradley

HOT READS FOR THE PRACTIONER Title: What Leaders Really Do (Book) Competencies: Leadership, Managing Change, Driving Change Who benefits: Senior managers and students of leadership Consultant Usage: Coaching What’s it about? As I sit here writing this entry I occasionally look outside and see the rain coming down.  The rain is a popular topic in […]

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Unhealthy Workplace Behaviors in Women (and Men)

January 21, 2008 by Ken Nowack

“I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and a career.” Gloria Steinem A recent study by Fiona Jones and colleagues suggest that women under stress at work are significantly more likely than men to exercise less, consume more caffeinated drinks, and eat more unhealthy foods such as […]

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What’s In a Name?

January 14, 2008 by Ken Nowack

“Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.” Anonymous I tried playing baseball when I was in college–pretty good fielder but struck out way too often.  I wonder if it was because my first name starts with the letter “K” instead of another letter? (Note: for non-baseball fans, “K” = strike out) […]

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More Talent Development Facts #4

January 11, 2008 by Ken Nowack

“Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.” Mark Twain Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world. Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. CO2 Partners in a recent 2007 Internet survey of over 3,000 employees (90% middle to senior […]

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It’s the New Year….Time to Change Something

December 31, 2007 by Ken Nowack

“People don’t resist change, they resist being changed.” Peter Scholtes Did you make a New Years resolution?  If you are like most people you did–and probably will relapse back to your old habits within 90 days. Old habits are indeed very tough to break and relapse seems greatest when we are under stress.  Starting new […]

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Work to Live or Live to Work?

December 26, 2007 by Ken Nowack

“Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it” Lily Tomlin As we near the New Year we can all related to just how stressed we have been from time to time.  As we take the time this holiday season to unwind a bit, we can also reflect on the pace […]

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Holiday Breaks May be Dangerous to Your Health

December 17, 2007 by Ken Nowack

“No man needs a vacation so much as the person who has just had one.”  Elbert Hubbard How many of you are looking forward to a break during this holiday season to unwind, spend time with family and friends and “energize your batteries” again before the New Year begins?  Most of us will actually slow […]

Posted in Engagement, Wellness


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