Viewing Category: Leadership Development

The Secret to Habits Part II

June 14, 2015 by Ken Nowack

“Motivation is what gets you started.  Habit is what keeps you going.” Jim Ryun A recent meta-analytic study involving almost 200 studies indicated the power of using Practice Plans (what psychologist call implementation intentions) on goal achievement in a variety of domains (e.g. interpersonal, environmental, health) on top of the effects of mere goal intentions ((Gollwitzer, P. […]

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Top Leadership Development Blog Posts this Week: 6/12/15

June 12, 2015 by Wally Bock

Leadership development may be the most important thing any company does. That’s why, every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover leadership development to find the very best leadership development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to posts about why leadership development programs fail, what undermines career development satisfaction, why CEOs should “know […]

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Leadership development: A new global perspective

June 10, 2015 by Wally Bock

Leadership development is the way the companies deal with the forces shaping the future. There are lots of opinions about what the future holds. That’s what led Stephanie Neal of DDI to ask “Which are the skills that leaders need to be successful now and in the future?” Here’s part of the opening paragraph of […]

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The Secret of Habits Part I

June 7, 2015 by Ken Nowack

“Dreams Don’t Work Unless You Do” Unknown Did you know? Between 60 and 80 percent of people don’t use their gym memberships Most diets work at first, but backfire in the long run According to a 2007 survey conducted by the British psychologist Richard Wiseman, about 88 percent of New Year’s resolutions end in failure […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate

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Top Leadership Development Blog Posts this Week: 6/5/15

June 5, 2015 by Wally Bock

Leadership development may be the most important thing any company does. That’s why, every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover leadership development to find the very best leadership development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to posts about ways that industry veterans drive execution, why managers should spend more time on coaching, […]

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Leadership development and ROI

June 3, 2015 by Wally Bock

The HR Magazine headline about leadership development programs is “Developing leaders not delivering ROI.” Jenny Roper discusses several measures of “ROI” of the programs and they’re not accounting measures. That’s a good thing because trying to put dollars and cents on the output of a leadership development program is a little like putting a tutu […]

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The Inverted U-Curve of Life

May 31, 2015 by Ken Nowack

“Moderation in all things, especially moderation.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson I would rate (and so would others) most of my skills in life as pretty average compared to others. In some things I’m pretty deeply developmentally delayed and won’t ever catch up (e.g., driving, reading a map, dancing, house painting). Maybe to achieve happiness and success it’s desirable to cultivate […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Wellness

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Top Leadership Development Blog Posts this Week: 5/29/15

May 29, 2015 by Wally Bock

Leadership development may be the most important thing any company does. That’s why, every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover leadership development to find the very best leadership development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to posts about talent management and succession planning, individual development plans from two perspectives, and leadership birth […]

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Leadership development: Decision making

May 27, 2015 by Wally Bock

Leadership development should teach the art of decision making We expect leaders to make decisions. That’s one of the most important things that leaders do. It should be a core skill that we help leaders develop and refine. But we don’t do that. Second Lieutenants versus middle managers on decision making The fact is that […]

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Top Leadership Development Blog Posts this Week: 5/22/15

May 22, 2015 by Wally Bock

Leadership development may be the most important thing any company does. That’s why, every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover leadership development to find the very best leadership development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to posts about leadership development if everyone can lead, CEO succession and why it goes so wrong, […]

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