Viewing Category: Talent Management

8/12/10: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

August 12, 2010 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find you the pick of the lot. In this post, you’ll find pointers to pieces about culture, rewards, the costs of hiring Homer Simpson, helping technical experts transition to management, and measuring human capital. From DDI: Slouching Towards New Normal “Lately I’ve been obsessing about […]

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Human Capital: Are You an Investor or a Trader?

August 10, 2010 by Wally Bock

Chuck Christensen was one of the wisest human beings I ever knew. He’d learned a lot in his “rags to riches” career and he shared it freely. Chuck had started out working on the loading dock at a trucking company that became part of Consolidated Freightways. He’d climbed the corporate ladder to Executive Vice President. […]

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8/5/10: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

August 5, 2010 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find you the pick of the lot for the week. In this post, you’ll find pointers to pieces about retaining top talent, talent management strategies, today’s top talent management challenges, training for new managers, and hiring senior executives that stay and produce. From the Hartford […]

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Quick, develop some leaders!

August 3, 2010 by Wally Bock

“Honey, it’s almost dinner time. Would you go outside and plant some tomatoes?” Sounds stupid. After all, you can’t plant tomatoes at 4 o’clock and have tomatoes at 6 o’clock dinner. But that seems to be what many companies expect from talent development. Check out this Wall Street Journal story that’s titled, “Leadership Training Gains […]

Posted in Talent Management


7/29/10: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

July 29, 2010 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find you the pick of the lot for the week. In this post, you’ll find pointers to pieces about talent management semantics, teamwork or talent, senior leadership and talent development, another survey on innovation and job satisfaction, and gender-specific management training. From The Employee Performance […]

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Plus-Minus at Work

July 27, 2010 by Wally Bock

In hockey there’s a statistic called “plus-minus.” It calculates the goal difference for a player’s team when that player is on the ice. It’s a way to measure a player’s contribution to the team. We need something like that at work. Most people who work in companies do most of their work in teams. We […]

Posted in Talent Management


7/22/10: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

July 22, 2010 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find you the pick of the lot for the week. In this post, you’ll find pointers to pieces about barriers to building talent, program evaluation, hiring better, and appreciating your top performers. Plus, there’s a list of great articles on motivating top talent. From TLNT: […]

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7/15/10: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

July 15, 2010 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find you the pick of the lot for the week. In this post, you’ll find pointers to pieces about what you can learn (yes, there is something) from the Cleveland Cavaliers, executive derailment, managing the toxic high performer, distributing scarce rewards, and some thoughts on […]

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Why high potential isn’t enough

July 13, 2010 by Wally Bock

My mother had a saying that “You can’t just hire a hand. The whole man always comes with it.” The language is a little dated, but the truth is still the same. People aren’t just a set of talents. They’re that messy bundle of stuff called human beings. Three recent blog posts lay out some […]

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7/8/10: Top Talent Development Posts this Week

July 8, 2010 by Wally Bock

Every week, I review blogs that cover talent development to find you the pick of the lot for the week. In this post, you’ll find pointers to pieces about retaining employees, learning initiatives, trust as a force behind great places to work, senior executive compensation, and reviewing your talent management practices. From Employee Benefit News: […]

Posted in Talent Management

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