This free exercise, and dozens of others, were created for our book, Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It. You can learn more about Clueless by visiting our site or you can buy it from amazon.com today.
Purpose of Exercise: As you pursue either a significant professional or personal goal, it is important to assess and reflect on whether you have the skills and abilities to successfully achieve it.
How to Administer and Use this Exercise to Facilitate Behavior Change: Often times, we hear the statement, “You can do whatever, if you put your mind to it”. Well, this motivating statement holds truth except that many people fail at attempts to achieve goals that are not within the scope of their skills and abilities.
For instance, if I wanted to become a professional golf player, but have limited mechanical ability, I will probably not be too successful at achieving this goal. When people have an accurate assessment of their abilities, they are more likely to be motivated and successful at accomplishing their goals. This exercise provides a series of questions to help change agents think about whether they have the skills and abilities to achieve their goals.