Happy New Year

December 31, 2008 by Bill Bradley


Title: Government Training

Competencies: leadership, managing change, process improvement skills, financial leadership, interpersonal skills, self-development

Who benefits: high ranking federal employees

Consultant Usage: doubtful

What’s it about? Why are you reading this blog?  It is New Year’s Eve.  Shut it down, go party, be with friends, have fun, be merry, dance into the new year.  But please don’t spend the last day of the year glued to your computer.

There are two days a year when Bloggers get a free pass to go wild and be irresponsible: December 31 and April 1.  Today being December 31, I choose to be totally irrelevant and if I offend anyone, tough hits.  Off I go in my imagination….

We need a better year than this one.  Can’t afford a repeat of the mistakes of the past 12 months.  So let’s get the new bosses off to an appropriate training program and get it right the first time!  (And some transition training for the old bosses.)

There is a training firm in the Washington, D.C. area by the name of Management Concepts.  While their training is generally open to any interested person, the do specialize in training for employees of the federal government.  With the big changes coming up next month, I thought I might match some of their courses to some of the Players on the big scene.  Just trying to be helpful.  So here are my recommendations:

To the new President –- Leading and Managing Change

To the new Secretary of State — Managing Stakeholder Relationships

To the new Secretary of the Treasury — Effectively Managing Financial Resources

To the continuing Secretary of Defense — Interpersonal Skills: Developing Effective Relationships

To the new Director of Homeland Security — Improving Organizational Systems and Processes (especially at airports)

To the old President -– Post-Retirement Work Transition

To the old Vice President — Emotional Intelligence 360-Degree Assessment

Well, that’s all folks.  Happy end of the year holiday season to all of you and thanks for reading this Blog.  Catch you next year.


[tags] leadership, financial leadership, interpersonal skills, self-development, managing change, transitions, interpersonal skills, 360 degree assessments, retirement, process improvement, stakeholders, bill bradley, william bradley, bradley[/tags]

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development

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  1. Jeanne says:

    Hi Bill,
    I think the entire outgoing administration needs a T Group experience – I don’t know how they are going to live with themselves for the rest of their lives. Some internal focus and reflection might help. Nah…

    Happy New Year to you!

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