Title: A new way of learning
Competency: self development
Who benefits: those seeking alternative college education
Consultant Usage: self development; reference for career counseling
What’s it about? As some of you readers know and some of you may have guessed, I am an old fogy. I am on the other side of the hill. I am the one they refer to in the Xpression “old dogs … new tricksâ€.
When I was young the electric typewriter had just been invented. We were all in a twitter. Now Twitter is a place in space and well, I am just so not there.
So excuse my enthusiasm over something I don’t quite get but, wow, it sure sounds great.  You can now take college courses and learn from special events on ITunes. Many of the tracks in each course are free.
UC Berkeley offers 39 areas of concentration including typical college courses in biology, engineering, philosophy, political science, law, and history as well as some less typical areas. They offer special events in nine categories including business and health and medicine.
Stanford University offers 13 categories, 33 university courses and three initiatives. There is some overlap, but many of the 13 categories and three initiatives are presentations not offered as a formal course. Two of the categories are “business†and “personal and professional developmentâ€. In the latter category there is a very interesting Career Development area with 14 tracks.
The above two examples were sent to me by one of you wonderful readers. I got to browsing on ITunes and discovered that more that 100 universities are participating in one form or another. You can go to Apple Education, a commercial page from Apple and at the bottom you will find 10 of the most advanced sites. You can also go on to ITunes and find the link to ItunesU and find the list of all current participating universities.Â
There is enough (free) stuff there (on every topic you can imagine) to keep you in a self-development mode the rest of your life. Happy learning.
Catch you later.
[tags]ITunes, ItunesU, UC Berkeley, Stanford University, mobile learning, bill bradley, william bradley, bradley[/tags]