Leadership development resources then and now
In “Leadership Development: Creating a Scalable Solution,” Michael Ownbey, an online learning consultant with The Ken Blanchard Companies, sums up the way things have changed.
“In the past, companies would train only a small number of people so they could justify the travel, time, and resource costs. But now, organizations are looking at the situation and asking ‘How can we reach out to more people—those who are coming into a new role or needing skill building around leadership?”
The tools have changed the possibilities. Today we have the tools to help working leaders do their jobs more effectively and prepare for future opportunities and challenges. Here are three kinds of tools to consider for your leadership development efforts.
One task tools
Screencasting tools let you capture the action on your computer screen while you narrate. Perfect for tasks that involve online forms or processes. Several screencasting tools are free.
Online video offers an array of possibilities. Bring some of your most effective managers together to describe how they handle common supervisory situations. Tape the session and make it available to all.
One subject tools
The Khan Academy has many examples of tutorials on single subjects. You can use their tutorials on business subjects, or your learning and development professionals can create your own.
Tools for clusters of subjects
MOOCs have gotten a lot of press, but I think one of the most interesting experiments has been Harvard’s HBx CORe program on “The Language of Business.”
Leadership development for more than “leaders”
Expanded toolsets mean expanded possibilities. Today’s tools and technologies give you a way to support all leaders, including the ones who don’t have leadership positions.