If there’s one thing I hate, it’s the traditional classroom experience. What could be more mind numbing than sitting quietly with all the other boys and girls facing in the same direction and listening to someone tell you things. Ugh.
I hated classrooms so much that I used to cut school so I could go to the library and read or go to a museum and wander around. When I was growing up that got me into trouble many, many times. As an adult, though, the habits and skills I developed back then have been priceless.
Leadership development should include three important things
If you want to become the best leader you can be as rapidly as possible you need to do three important things habitually. You need to seek out new ideas for things to try. You need to seek and absorb feedback after you try them. And you need to reflect on your performance so you increase the odds of doing better next time.
Leadership development resources for self-directed leaders
Read good leadership books. Kurt Harden asked five of his favorite leadership experts for their top five books on leadership. Pay special attention to the books recommended by more than one expert.
One problem with leadership books is that they’re common currency. Eric McNulty recommends some sources of reading that complement what you’ll learn from leadership books.
The books and other sources will help you, but if you want to go deep you should set up your own study program on important business and leadership topics. The good people at Bain have made it easy for you by tracking “Top Leadership Tools and Trends.”
Leadership development is up to you
Your leadership development is your responsibility. Search far and wide for ideas, go deeply into important topics, try things and adjust your behavior based on feedback and reflection.