Logos, Ethos, Pathos

September 21, 2011 by Bill Bradley


Title: Not the Three Musketeers

Competencies: leadership, communication skills, managing diversity

Who benefits: leaders and leader wannabes

Consultant Usage: Good background material for coaches, leadership and communication consultants and trainers

What’s it about? When I first came across this post I thought “Oh boy, an article about my boyhood heroes, the Three Musketeers.”  Oops.  Guess I didn’t remember their names after all.

Turns out it is an article for people, leaders in particular, who do want to be heroes … at least in the eyes of those they manage.  I am recommending this short post because for me it hits at the heart of leadership.

The most enticing paragraph is “In ancient Greece and Rome, they knew what we seem to have forgotten: your job as a leader is to persuade people to do great things in uncertain contexts, using only one tool: your words. Compelling leaders, as Aristotle might say, have three qualities that they express through three ‘languages’:”

The author then writes about the three languages (logos, ethos, pathos) needed by any leader who wants authentic followers.  Don’t worry if you are not familiar with those three Greek words.  He defines them in plain English. 

If you want followers, not just employees, read this short post.

Catch you later.
[tags]leadership, communication, communication skills, followers, envisia, envisia learning, bill bradley, william bradley, bradley[/tags]

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Leadership Development

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