New Books

February 17, 2010 by Bill Bradley


Title: New Books from Jossey-Bass  

Competencies: achievement orientation, engenders trust, team/interpersonal support, building strategic relationships, self-development

Who benefits: individual employees, team leaders,

Consultant Usage: staying current in area of expertise

What’s it about? I love reading and am a sucker for new books.  Don’t really know if new books are any better than the oldies-but-goodies, but there is something about a new book that gets me genuinely jazzed.

I was browsing through the new book section of the well-respected Jossey-Bass catalog and came across one just out and three coming soon books that give me the urge to order sight unseen just based on the descriptions and the overall satisfaction I have had over the years with J-B books (I don’t know anyone at J-B, this is just a long held personal opinion).

I haven’t reviewed these but pass them on just in case they are in your area of interest.  Most of the descriptors for the books are taken from the prerelease summaries.

No More Excuses: The Five Accountabilities for Personal and Organizational Growth (January, 2010) – The author identifies the five accountabilities shared by all truly successful people and organizations.

    • Shows why accountability gives businesses and individuals the competitive edge
    • How to instill accountability throughout the enterprise
    • How the five accountabilities can support both values and strategic intent.
    • Includes interviews with 50 carefully chosen Accountability Masters from six continents and all walks of life—including academics, Fortune 500 CEOs, and Hall of Fame athletes.

Leading Outside the Lines: How to Mobilize the Informal Organization, Energize Your Team, and Get Better Results (April 2010) This book is about understanding how two distinct factions together form the bigger picture for how organizations actually work: the more defined “formal” organization of a company-the management structure, performance metrics, and processes-and the “informal”-the culture, social networks, and ad hoc communities that spring up naturally and can accelerate or hinder how the organization works.

Invaluable: The Secret to Becoming Irreplaceable (May 2010)  A business fable for anyone feeling overwhelmed, underpaid, and frustrated in their job — shows readers how to increase the value of the time they do spend working.

Well-Connected: An Unconventional Approach to Building Genuine, Effective Business Relationships to Achieve Success (July 2010)  Achieve your goals by selectively engaging the right people and connecting well with them.

Somewhere in those good books is a great read.  Hope you find it.

Catch you later.

[tags]personal accountability, leading teams, team building, personal growth, success factors, networking, connecting with others, business relationships, bill bradley, william bradley, bradley[/tags]

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Leadership Development

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