Put Me In Coach

February 24, 2010 by Bill Bradley


Title: Linkage Training Workshops

Competency: coaching

Who benefits: internal and external coaches, managers and supervisors as coaches

Consultant Usage: sharpen you coaching skills

What’s it about? I like Linkage Training programs.  I am not shooting for originality today, so I will just paste in what they write about themselves.  I will only add that in my experience it is a very accurate description:

“Every Linkage training program includes a set of proven and practical tools to increase your confidence level in specific skill-sets. You’ll learn from Linkage’s team of top-notch consultants on the latest techniques and approaches. And, to drive home the learning, all the programs offer a highly interactive forum with role playing, simulations, case studies, and action planning based on real-life business challenges.”

I know that a lot of you readers are in the coaching biz, either formally or informally, so I thought I would acquaint you with some of their coaching workshops.

Coaching for Business Leaders: “This program is specifically designed to train business directors and front-line managers on how to coach their direct reports and teams to high levels of performance to achieve critical business objectives.”  This program is coming soon to Chicago and Boston.

Coaching Leaders Certification Program: “During this intensive program, participants will learn the four stages of Linkage’s proven Coaching Leaders Model™. Throughout the program,coaches will learn how to use key tools to expedite and sustain the coaching process, along with exploring information-gathering techniques and assessments. A detailed coaching simulation on day three allows participants to apply their learnings to a live situation—all while gaining feedback from the Master Coach and peers.”

Advanced Coaching Skills Lab: “This program, led by Linkage’s Master Coaches, focuses on in-depth exercises to further improve critical coaching competencies. Throughout the program,advanced-level coaches engage in discussions on enabling your coachees to execute on their action plan and make the behavioral changes to get results. This program also includes a detailed coaching simulation that enables participants to gain feedback from the Master Coach and peers.”

In addition, there are some specialty and elearning programs that may be of interest to a more limited audience.  Check out the Title link above for more information.

Catch you later. 

[tags]coaching, executive coaching, coaching skills, advanced coaching skills, linkage, linkageinc, bill bradley, william bradley, bradley[/tags]

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Leadership Development

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