Rocky Road

August 24, 2011 by Bill Bradley


Title: Good v. Evil – Who Wins?

Competencies: self-development, managing self, self-control,

Who benefits: you

Consultant Usage: self-development for all consultants

What’s it about? Have you noticed the news headlines the past month or so?  Not too much different than any other month when you think about it.  Specifics change, but the general tone is the same.  From my vantage point is all looks like a constant battle between Good and Evil.  For once Good has won a few rounds in the Middle East.  Enough People are saying “Enough.”

In recent news from the West, Evil may be having the upper hand.  There was the terrible tragedy in Norway,   A major newspaper in England (and maybe the entire corporation behind it) turned out to be a gang of spies.  In the US, more gangs, political ones in Washington DC held the American People and economy hostage.  Even sports is not immune as professional football in the US came to a 4 month halt as owners and players greedily argued over a 3 Billion dollar pie.  (Did you notice that there was not one significant article written during those four months over what is in the best interest of the “Game” or the best interest of the “Fans”?)

That’s why I am thankful for those who can remind us of the one eternal truth.  Evil doesn’t have to work hard to win.  Good only has to stop trying.  There is always going to be battles between Good and Evil.  But ultimately the battles will not be won over “there”.  They will be won right here.  They will be won or lost by what you and I do or don’t do.  At work.  At home.  In our communities.  Evil wins when we stop doing the right things.

One of my favorite bloggers reminds us of this in his 5 STAR post Ten Principles to Live by in Fiercely Complex Times.  For some reason I chuckled as I read the list.  In some quirky way it reminded me of the old US Army recruiting slogan “Be All You Can Be.”  Only this list is specific and highly relevant. 

As I write this my mind is wandering all over the place.  I am thinking about the fictional movie character “Rocky”.  He was recently and controversially added to the Boxing Hall of Fame.  Why would the actor of a fictional character be induced to the BHF?  The most common reason given is what the movie series did for the “sport” of boxing.  I would like to think it was given because Rocky was Good.  Most of his opponents were Evil.  We wanted Good to win.  Rocky showed us how.  He was a man of principles.  He was not going to take the “Easy”.  He was going to do the “Right”.  We cheered.  And Good won.  

Please take 5 minutes to read this Best In Class post.  If enough People would follow these 10 recommendations, Good wins. 

Catch you later.

[tags]principles to live by, good v. evil, self-development, managing self, self-control, envisia, envisia learning, rocky balboa, bill bradley, william bradley, bradley[/tags]

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Wellness

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