TGIF – Boss Or Brat?

June 1, 2012 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment.

Quote of the Week:  (Speaking of bosses) “He is a self-made man and worships his creator.” John Bright

Humor Break: The boss was walking to the cafeteria along with two direct reports.  One of them tripped on a bottle.  A genie appeared and asked the threesome if they would like to each make a wish. The first direct report excitedly exclaimed, “I wish I was on a beach in a tropical island!” Immediately the wish was granted. The second direct report proclaimed, “I wish I was on a tour of France!” Immediately this wish was also granted. Going third, the boss wished “I want the two of them back in their offices right after lunch!”

Stat of the Week: 8 Core Beliefs of Extraordinary Bosses.  Each of the 8 core beliefs compares “average boss” to “extraordinary boss”.  Excellent, excellent short read.

Action Tip: Read Robert Sutton”s Good Boss/Bad Boss

Weight Watch – Week:  (A personal 16 week Healthy Life style report)

The 10th week’s results are in: I GAINED 1.3 pounds on the official digital scale even though I followed my diet and exercise programs.   Ten weeks into the program and I am down 14.5 pounds.  “Gained” is not a word I wanted to use this week.  But one of my Post Coaches sent me a message to expect a gain.  He wrote that the extra loss of weight last week was likely due to water loss re: my brief hospital visit.  He is right (again).  If you average the two weeks, my loss would have been about 1.2 pounds a week, which is much more likely.  So I will go into next week with a smile.

I know who you are!  You are … a very busy person who barely has time to squeeze in a read of this post.  (You probably come here on Fridays to see the cartoon.)  You also have an active lifestyle.  One of the problems you don’t want to think about but know you “should” is how to get more exercise into your life.  Big chunks of time just aren’t available.

Nailed you, didn’t I!  Well, fear not on the exercise front.  Here is a reference just for YOU: Find Exercise in Life’s Margins.  If finding time to exercise is important to you, please read the short article.

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Leadership Development

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  1. Couldn’t get my email from the road. This is a clever read…did I miss any while I was gone? Anita got me the HBR article…that’s up next and I’ll get back to you on that one. You are doing great with the weight loss…keep it up (or is the right word “off’?) How are the fires? Have a good weekend.

  2. Milbert says:

    Nice article!

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