TGIF – Customer Service

February 11, 2011 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment.

Quote of the Week: If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends.  JEFF BEZOS

Humor Break: I’m not saying that the customer service in my bank is bad, but when I went in the other day and asked the clerk to check my balance … she leaned over and pushed me.

Stat of the Week: Not 100%.  This week we are focused on customer service.  If you are interested in customer service industry approval ratings, check out the monthly press release from The American Customer Satisfaction Index (University of Michigan) or read the provocative book The Satisfied Customer. 

Action Tip: If you are in customer service ask about how your organization surveys its customers and more importantly what they do with the information.

Volunteering: Think good customer service is easy?  Volunteer to be a telephone receptionist at your favorite charity or non-profit and see if you can deliver exceptional service.
[tags]customer service, customer satisfaction, American Customer Satisfaction Index, ACSI, the satisfied customer, bill bradley, william bradley, bradley[/tags]

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

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