TGIF – Live High, Lose Weight

August 2, 2013 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment.


Quote of the Week: “Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.” Elizabeth Berg

Humor Break:

Al: How do you keep your weight the same?

Bev: Adjust scales as needed.

Stat of the Week: We here at Envisia Learning are a health oriented bunch. One of our favorite targets is obesity. We have written about diets. We have written about exercise. We have written about sleep vis-a-vis obesity. We have consistently urged a combination of diet, exercise and sleep as the best way to lose and keep off pounds. But nothing is guaranteed … until now! According to a report of a study in the International Journal of Obesity, all things being equal if you live at a higher elevation you are less likely to be obese. In fact, today’s amazing stat is if you live at sea level you have a 4.6 greater chance of being obese than those who live above 10,000 feet.

Action Tip: My own theory about this is at 10,000+ feet you will burn a lot of calories just trying to catch your breath. Or maybe because you are that much closer to outer space and weightlessness, your scales will give you a significant break. Anyway, the moral of this story is watch your diet, exercise and sleep properly – or live high (above 10,000 feet).

Self-Development Corner: Hoy es un honor traer algunas clases de Coursera en español a nuestros muchos lectores en España y América Latina. Así pues en español, aquí están Ser más creativos (5 de agosto, 6 semanas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) y El ABC del emprendimiento esbelto (5 de agosto, 6 semanas, Tecnológico de Monterrey).

For our many readers in the medical professions, here are two classes you may find useful: Instructional Methods in Health Professions Education (August 5, 8 weeks, University of Michigan); Introductory Human Physiology (August 5, 12 weeks, Duke University)

And for those of you looking for a course in finance, Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance (August 5, 8 weeks, University of Washington).

I want to give you a heads up. I am just starting my 11th Coursera course. This one promises to be the best of the bunch. Next week I will give it a major review. It doesn’t officially start until August 12 but the professor has opened Week 1 early. If you have any interest whatsoever what makes us tick (and your own personal development), click on the link Social Psychology and read the overview. I am loving it. You can too. Join me in class.

Here is an extremely short description of the course: “Each of us is dealt a different hand in life, but we all face similar questions when it comes to human behavior: What leads us to like one person and dislike another? How do conflicts and prejudices develop, and how can they be reduced? Can psychological research help protect the environment, and if so, how? This course offers an introduction to classic and contemporary social psychology, covering topics such as decision making, persuasion, group behavior, personal attraction, and factors that promote health and well-being.”

Happy learning.

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Wellness

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  1. Always love Bev and Al…opening quote is good too. I will remember that next time I start to indulge. Your new course looks terrific. Wish I liked on-line courses or even had the patience to try them but alas I do not so I will tell you to enjoy it. It looks terrific. Have a good weekend.

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