TGIF – Tough Time To Be A Woman

November 4, 2011 by Bill Bradley

As the week winds down, we wind down with some tidbits for your information, education, health, and enjoyment.

Quote of the Week: “Unemployment is of vital importance, particularly to the unemployed” Edward Heath 

Humor Break: You know you’ve been unemployed too long when you get a pre-declined credit card in the mail.

The economy is so bad, there’s a new musical in the works called A Chorus Unemployment Line. (Did I really write that?  I must do a better job of controlling my inner child.)

I started out with nothing & still have most of it left.

Stat of the Week: The sluggish recovery from the Great Recession has been better for men than for women. From the end of the recession in June 2009 through May 2011, men gained 768,000 jobs and lowered their unemployment rate by 1.1 percentage points to 9.5%.  Women, by contrast, lost 218,000 jobs during the same period, and their unemployment rate increased by 0.2 percentage points to 8.5%, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data.

These post-recession employment trends are a sharp turnabout from the gender patterns that prevailed during the recession itself, when men lost more than twice as many jobs as women.

Action Tip: If you are unemployed, you are not jobless.  Your job is to find yourself a new job.

Volunteering: If you are in a job search right now, volunteering can be a great way to increase yours skills and develop your nextwork.  (This is a new word I created for specifically for those who need a network to get their next work.)  Start by reading this primer. 
[tags]jobs, jobless, joblessness, career advice, career counseling, envisia, envisia learning, bill bradley, william bradley, bradley[/tags]

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Wellness

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  1. greetings from Orlando. This both funny and insightful. I specially like the action item line…thanks. Lee

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