Time For Your First New Year’s Resolution

December 10, 2008 by Bill Bradley


Title: What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

Competencies: self-development, career development, coaching, talent management

Who benefits: motivated individuals, manager/supervisors who coach, professional coaches

Consultant Usage: excellent resource for professional coaches or talent management consultants

What’s it about?  It is never too early to make New Year’s resolution.  Especially if you don’t plan to keep it.  Get it out of the way early.   And according to USA Today, the average New Year’s resolution lasts about 3 days, so why wait to make that all important resolution?

In keeping with the general theme of change that I have been writing about for the past couple of months, let me suggest a personal change resolution.   With all the changes happening in the outside world (economy, political, environment…), how about preparing yourself to change with the times?  If I were still an active full-time employee or consultant, I would in a heartbeat.  I would do anything I could to maximize my flexibility in these times of uncertainty. 

I would take the advice of two friends.  One says “position yourself for opportunity”.  The other recommends a specific public program on dealing with the intrapersonal side of change.  Today I am passing that program on to you for your consideration and as a possible New Year’s resolution. 

Cover Image

The program is What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.  The presenter is Marshall Goldsmith.  The course is based on his book of the same name.  Can’t make the course, at least read the book.  The program will only be offered three times next year (the late year one will be in November or December in San Francisco – the date may not have been announced yet).

You can check out Dr. Goldsmith at his website.   It is quite impressive. 

Or you can settle for my summary: The Economist calls him one of the most credible leaders in the modern era of leadership; Forbes calls him one of the five most respected executive coaches in the world; Wall Street Journal calls him one of the 10 best executive educators; and Business Week calls him one of the most influential practitioners in the history of leadership development.  The book mentioned above is one of the all time best sellers in the business category. 

His goal in the course is to get you to change.  He wants you to understand what is getting in your way to moving closer to your ultimate goals.  He wants you to identify the poor work habits and unconscious behaviors that currently keep you in place.  Then, and only then, he wants you to develop a positive, long-range strategy to get you to your destination.  Others do the same thing, but apparently no one does it better. 

If you know you can’t get to his program, or your organization is being short-sighted and not investing in people during this downturn, you can catch Dr. Goldsmith on a You-Tube video courtesy of the good folks at Google.

If I could only go to one program next year, this is the one I would go to.

PS: if you are of the mindset that you are okay, it is all them others out there who need to change, Dr. Goldsmith is presenting The Manager as Coach: Promoting High Performance in 8 locations (including Los Angeles) in the US and Europe next year.  But be warned, the first 25% of his program is devoted to changing you.  In the end, it all comes back to YOU, doesn’t it?

Catch you later.


[tags]intrapersonal skills, change, managing self, career development, career, careers, leadership, coaching, the manager as coach, executive coaching, Marshall Goldsmith, bill bradley, william bradley, bradley[/tags]

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Leadership Development, Wellness

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