Today’s Sales Manager Special

June 6, 2012 by Bill Bradley


Title: Blog for Sales Managers

Competencies: sales leadership, sales, service

Who benefits: primarily sales managers, secondarily anyone in sales or service

Consultant Usage: resource for sales trainers and consultants

What’s it about? I know we have quite a few readers who are in sales and customer service.  If you are in S or CS and are not familiar with Geoffrey James and his Sales Source Blog, you probably should be.  (Not in S or CS?  Stop reading here and invest your time wisely elsewhere.)

James claims to have the world’s most-visited sales-oriented blog.  It is located on INC., so it seems possible.  I will say that when I perused it I found the topic headings most interesting.  Here are a few recent postings which I hope will either whet your appetite for more and add this site to your Favorite’s List or encourage you to move on:

Build Consensus for a Big Sale
“If you want a big customer to write a big check, you’ll need to get consensus from several decision-makers. Here’s how to make it happen.”

Customer Conversations: Best Opening Line
“The first question your customer needs answered is: Why should I waste my time on you? Make sure you know the best way to grab her interest.”

8 Things Great Bosses Demand from Employees
“When your team asks you want you want, here’s what you tell them.”

7 Smart Things Donald Trump Told Me
“The real estate and entertainment mogul spills a few of his secrets. On the agenda: Talent spotting, sales mistakes, and personal branding.”

Personal Aside: If you want to read a really cute story with an excellent message for sales and customer service people, read What a 9-Year-Old Can Teach You About Selling.  And if you don’t “get” the message, “get” out of the business.

Catch you later.

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Leadership Development

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  1. I was totally with you until you mentioned Donald Trump. That was the deal breaker on this blog…not to worry. It is the only time that has happened and I did get something from the rest of it! Hope you are doing well and getting thinner…

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