Leadership development may be the most important thing any company does. That’s why, every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover leadership development to find the very best leadership development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to posts about leadership development for front-line leaders, succession planning, new directions for employee learning, and the “3Ls†of professional development
From Verity Creedy: What Are You Doing to Fortify Your Frontline?
“But all this got me thinking about the sort of investments CFOs are asked to make—technical education, behavioral training, and, of course, leadership skill development—and where they commonly spend the most money. Chief Learning Officer board data indicates that most investments are made at the senior level for succession planning and high-potential development, and that sat comfortably with me. That was until I realized the leadership level receiving some of the smallest allocation of development dollars is the one populated by the leaders leading the most people by far. In fact, 80 percent of a company’s employee population is led by frontline leaders.”
From James D. Hlavacek: Dos and Don’ts Of Planning For CEO Succession
“One study by Stanford University’s Institute for Executive Education showed that only 20% of all the companies they surveyed had an adequate pool of candidates ready to become CEO. The ‘readiness’ factor fell to 10% for small- and medium-sized companies. Let’s look at six key directives to make CEO succession planning and the actual transition go much more smoothly.”
From David Creelman: Four Changes Moving Employee Learning in a New Direction
“As learning professionals, we know that technology has dramatically changed how we approach learning. But it might be useful for learning professionals to remember that while we confront these changes daily, many employees and managers still think of learning in terms of old-school training classes. This isn’t to disparage those colleagues, but rather to point out that for those who don’t live and breathe learning each day, ‘old school learning’ with its live instructors and reams of binders is the gold standard. In this post, I will highlight four of the changes that have moved learning in a new direction.”
From DeAnn O’Donovan: 3Ls Can Make A Profound Difference in Shaping Tomorrow’s Workforce
“I invest my time using ‘3Ls of professional development’—Learning, Listening, and Leadership. They are the guidepost for how I not only shape the culture of my organization, but also how I cultivate the leaders within my company.”