Leadership development may be the most important thing any company does. That’s why, every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover leadership development to find the very best leadership development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to posts about the right-brain leadership gap, connecting talent with opportunity in the Digital Age, the evolving definition of career success, and how leadership development drives revenue.
From Gary Burnison: CEO: The right-brain leadership gap
“Chief financial officers (CFOs) who aspire to become chief executive officers (CEOs) will likely find their technical left-brain skills are inadequate for making the transition successfully. A strategic mind-set, strong financial acumen, and close working relationship with the board—among the attributes of a best-in-class CFO—must be complemented with more right-brain social leadership skills to engage, motivate, and inspire others. The right-brain skill gap among CFOs helps explain why few sitting CEOs—only 13% in the global Forbes 2000 in 2015—moved into that position from being CFO.”
From James Manyika, Susan Lund, Kelsey Robinson, John Valentino, and Richard Dobbs: Connecting talent with opportunity in the digital age
“Labor markets around the world haven’t kept pace with rapid shifts in the global economy, and their inefficiencies have taken a heavy toll. Millions of people cannot find work, even as sectors from technology to healthcare struggle to fill open positions. Many who do work feel overqualified or underutilized. These issues translate into costly wasted potential for the global economy. More important, they represent hundreds of millions of people coping with unemployment, underemployment, stagnant wages, and discouragement.”
From Julie Winkle Giulioni: Career success 2.0: An evolving definition
“Many workers are beginning to recognize the need to redefine career success in new ways. With fewer promises of progression by way of promotion and with today’s fluid, highly responsive organizational structures, we can no longer evaluate career success against the broadly accepted criteria from the past: movement ever forward toward that higher position.”
From Jenny Dearborn: Development Delivers Results: New Evidence Finds Putting Employees First Drives Business Performance
“HR and talent professionals have known it for years and now it’s been proven. A recent global study of more than 5,400 executives and employees conducted by Oxford Economics and SuccessFactors, an SAP company, found companies with above-average revenue growth are more likely to provide employees with learning opportunities and to prioritize workforce issues.”