Leadership development may be the most important thing any company does. That’s why, every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover leadership development to find the very best leadership development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to posts on what science says about picking hi-pos, putting an end to your feedback loop, self-directed learning, and whether an MBA is necessary for leadership development.
From Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Seymour Adler, and Robert B. Kaiser: What Science Says About Identifying High-Potential Employees
“How inclusive or exclusive should organizations be when developing their employees’ talents? In a world of unlimited resources, organizations would surely invest in everyone. After all, as Henry Ford is credited as saying, ‘the only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.’ In the real world, however, limited budgets force organizations to be much more selective, which explains the growing interest in high potential (HiPo) identification. An employee’s potential sets the upper limits of his or her development range — the more potential they have, the quicker and cheaper it is to develop them.”
From Jesse Sostrin: Put an End to Your Feedback Loop
“After working with leaders at every level and across a variety of industries, I’m convinced that they know what they need to do — and in most cases, they even know how to do it. But despite all of the best practices, first-class advice, and logical prescriptions intended help resolve their challenges, the solutions are just like an umbrella sitting by the front door when they’ve already rushed out of the house and into the storm.”
From Nick Easen: Digital is making students masters of their own learning universe
“It’s strange to think that the future of learning lies with Netflix or Spotify. But those educating the next generation are now taking cues from a lot more sources beyond the classroom, including the media industry. How we consume content is crucial, as is the value of user-generated content and social collaboration. The sector is increasingly trying to reinvent the way we study.”
From Sarah Fister Gale: Not All Roads Lead To An MBA
“The MBA degree has long been held up as the cornerstone of executive development, providing rising stars with the business savvy they need to enter the hallowed halls of top-level leadership. But in a rapidly evolving business world where companies may not have the time or resources to send their best people to school full time for two years, is an MBA still worth the investment? It depends on who you ask.”