Leadership development may be the most important thing any company does. That’s why, every week, I review blogs and other publications that cover leadership development to find the very best leadership development posts. This week, you’ll find pointers to posts leadership development to grow CEOs from inside, why corporate training programs fail, development benchmarks, and leadership development trends.
From HBR Ideacast: Why More CEOs Should Be Hired from Within
“Now, we are also aware that there is emerging research that shows that organizations, particularly at the very high levels, are hiring from outside excessively. So, the typical large American firm would, for example, hire a CEO from outside about 30 percent of the times. And there is some research that I believe in that shows that they should only be doing that on average six percent of the time. So, five times less.”
From Your Training Edge: 6 Reasons Why Corporate Training Programs Fail
“We all instinctively know that learning and development within the corporate space is ‘supposed to’ make a difference. Yet, far too often the programs (not necessary the people) fail due to the following reasons.”
Thanks to Stephen J. Gill for pointing me to this post.
From Marc Rind: 4 Benchmarks and What They’ll Tell You About the Business
“So how do you keep your best people? One critical tool is benchmarking. This is nothing new for HR leaders or hiring managers, who have used benchmarking to ensure they are offering competitive wages. However, the power of benchmarking goes beyond salary comparisons.”
From Kevin Kruse: The Latest Trends in Leadership Training And How To Take Advantage
“Heide Abelli is a Senior Vice President at Skillsoft, where she leads the development of leadership training. She’s been put in charge of reinventing not just the curriculum, but how it’s delivered. She’s also an adjunct professor at the Boston College Carroll School of Management. I recently interviewed Heide for the LEADx Leadership Podcast, where she shared the latest trends in e-learning, the top skills leaders need to stay competitive, and how Skillsoft is staying on the cutting edge.”