Training Programs for Large Organizations

March 17, 2010 by Bill Bradley


Title: Institute of Management Studies

Competency: self-development

Who benefits: employees of large organizations

Consultant Usage: excellent source for recommending training programs

What’s it about? Last week I wrote about a specific program sponsored by the Institute of Management Studies (IMS).  As I was thinking about it over the past seven days it occurs to me that many of you might not be familiar with IMS.  I think it is one of the finest organizations of its kind.  I have been to seven of their programs over the years and have been delighted with each one.

In this age of complexity, the IMS process is the essence of simplicity.  The institute brings one-day monthly programs to approximately 25 major US, UK, and European cities.  Each city draws on a list of somewhere between 50 and 100 internationally experience speakers.  Topics vary, but most are aimed at developing a generally accepted work competency.

The presenters submit outlines of their programs in advance that follow a very readable format and make the decision to attend/not attend very easy.  One of the best features is the balance between content presentation and the more experiential activities.  I always leave with at least some new knowledge and one new skill.

There is one great big catch that I failed to mention last week (mea culpa).  In order to attend your organization has to be a member.  Currently there are about 400 organizations, including government organizations, which make up the roster.  If yours isn’t on the list there is a process for getting enrolled and there is a contact person who can allow a few guests to preview the quality of the programs.  My suggestion, first find your city and click the link.  If you like the looks of upcoming programs, get your HR folks involved, get some free previews and then push for a positive decision.

If you are an independent consultant, sorry, this isn’t for you.

One of the IMS faculty is our own occasional contributor Dr. Terry Paulson.  Unfortunately he has already completed several presentations for this year.  (If you have ever seen Terry speak, you know why they try to get him early in the year.  He’s the best at what he does and leaves his audiences enlightened, educated, and sometimes just plain exhausted.)  As of this writing Terry still has one program, Managing Up and Across the Organization: How to Leverage Your Influence, coming up in November in Columbus, Ohio.  If you are in the area, don’t miss it.

Meanwhile, check out what is coming to your area.  You won’t be disappointed.

Catch you later.
[tags]IMS, institute of management studies, terry paulson, corporate training organizations, bill bradley, william bradley, bradley[/tags]

Bill Bradley (mostly) retired after 35 years in organizational consulting, training and management development. During those years he worked internally with seven organizations and trained and consulted externally with more than 90 large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools.

Posted in Leadership Development

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