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More Talent Management Facts #36

April 13, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.”  Steven Wright A New Collection of Talent Management Facts Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world.  Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. Results from a recent research study by Dr. Christopher Mayhorn at NC State […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Selection, Wellness

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The Power of Social Support for Success Part II

April 6, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?.” Stephen Wright Gender Differences in Social Support I just read a research paper that suggested that marriage might not improve men’s health as once thought ((Liu, H. & Umberson, D. (2008). The Times They Are a Changing: Marital Status and Health Differentials […]

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The “Politics” of Playing Politics in Your Organization

March 9, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent.” Dalai Lama Getting ahead and getting along in organizations requires that you play some politics with leaders, colleagues and others. Does your approach to playing politics “fit” the corporate culture you are in? Do you […]

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The Importance of Real (and Imaginary) Friends on Health at Work

March 2, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“I don’t think my parents liked me.  They put a live teddy bear in my crib.”  Woody Allen Being a leader can be a lonely place. The higher you go in an organization the least likely you are to have colleagues and reports provide you with honest and candid feedback about your behavior. How many […]

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Introducing Momentor to Leverage Behavior Change Following Leadership Development

February 24, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I’ve finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake. I feel better already.”  Dave Barry ASTD, in their 2012 industry report, estimates that U.S. organizations spent approximately $156.2 billion on employee learning in 2011. Of […]

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Talent Management Facts #43

February 22, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.” Steven Wright Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world. Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. According to the CIPD/Halogen Software Employee Outlook survey, 33% of employees in the public sector stated they believed their company’s […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Selection, Talent Management

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Leadership Development Shams #3: Measuring Engagement is Confusing

February 17, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.” Jerome K. Jerome Only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at work, according to Gallup’s 142-country study on the State of the Global Workplace. Most employees (63%) reported being “not engaged” (i.e., lacking in job satisfaction, organizational commitment and advocacy […]

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Talent Development Facts #35

February 16, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.”  Steven Wright Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world.  Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. In a recent online survey by Silkroad, 78% HR professionals revealed their engagement practices.  The majority (54%) don’t offer a […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Selection, Wellness

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More Talent Management Facts #44

February 15, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.”  Steven Wright Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world. Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. According to the CIPD/Halogen Software Employee Outlook survey, 33% of employees in the public sector stated they believed their company’s […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Selection, Talent Management

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Free Book Download–“Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It”

February 7, 2014 by Ken Nowack

“A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience.” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. The 2nd edition of our book “Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It” was written to help coaches initiate and sustain successful behavior change in the clients they work with. It’s completely free to download for the next 48 hours only so write […]

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