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Introducing Momentor to Leverage Behavior Change Following Training

June 10, 2013 by Ken Nowack

“Eighty percent of success in life is showing up” Woody Allen ASTD, in their 2012 industry report,  estimates that U.S. organizations spent approximately $156.2 billion on employee learning in 2011. Of this total direct learning expenditure, 56 percent ($87.5 billion) was spent internally. However without follow-up, 90% of new skills are lost within a year […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development

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Quit While You Are Ahead (or Really Behind)

June 9, 2013 by Ken Nowack

“Rehab is for Quitters.” Unknown I was taught early in life not to quit anything I started.  “Suck it up” and “hang in there” were signs of resilience and the ability to put up with temporary discomfort, disappointment or even failure. There seems to be some evidence that “hanging tough” has some advantages in work […]

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Introducing Momentor for Coaches to Leverage Behavior Change

May 31, 2013 by Ken Nowack

“Eighty percent of success in life is showing up” Woody Allen The 2012 ICF Global Coaching Study (12,133 responses from 31 countries) provided coaches with the opportunity to comment on a range of issues facing the industry in the future, including: regulation of coaching; obstacles; and opportunities. A majority of coaches (53%) believed that coaching […]

Posted in Envisia News, Leadership Development

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Can Old Dogs Really Learn New Tricks?

May 26, 2013 by Ken Nowack

“Good habits are worth being fanatical about.” John Irving In raising Indy, our 6-month year old guide dog puppy in training, we have learned a lot again about just how long it takes to learn a new habit.  Some of our guide dog puppies we raised seemed to take forever to learn new habits but […]

Posted in Leadership Development


New Talent Management Facts #29

April 28, 2013 by Ken Nowack

“42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.”  Steven Wright   Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world.  Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. A recent study of 440 leaders at more than 300 global companies by Interaction Associates on trust levels finds […]

Posted in Engagement, Relate, Selection, Wellness

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The Power of Social Support for Success Part II

April 6, 2013 by Ken Nowack

“When everything is coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.” Stephen Wright I read a research paper that suggested that marriage might not improve men’s health as once thought ((Liu, H. & Umberson, D. (2008). The Times They Are a Changing: Marital Status and Health Differentials from 1972 to 2003. Journal of Health and […]

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Psychometrics In Coaching–A New Book for All Coaches

March 4, 2013 by Ken Nowack

“All you need is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure. Mark Twain” Coaching models and practitioners seem to be increasing exponentially these days. There are even organizations and training institutes devoted specifically to this particular intervention—each with different models, approaches and even ethical/professional guidelines. It seems “everyone” is now doing some type of “coaching” […]

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Talent Management Facts #28

February 17, 2013 by Ken Nowack

“42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.” Steven Wright Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world. Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. Only 2 percent of human resources executives say yearly evaluations are useful, according to a recent poll of 2,677 people […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Selection, Wellness

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The Secret to Flourishing (In Relationships, At Work and Health)

February 3, 2013 by Ken Nowack

“Fall seven times; stand up eight.” Japanese proverb Is it possible to actually predict how long relationships will last, how healthy we will be or how well teams will be high performers just based on the ration of positive to negative interactions with others? It appears that we can and that all of the above […]

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The Confusing State of Measuring Employee Engagement

January 27, 2013 by Ken Nowack

“A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.” Groucho Marx The Towers Watson Global 2012 Workforce Study covers more than 32,000 employees selected from research panels that represent the populations of full-time employees working in large and mid-size organizations across a range of industries in 29 markets around […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Wellness

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