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Webcast: Protecting Your High Performers from Career Burnout

February 12, 2009 by Ken Nowack

Human Capital Institute Presents: Webcast  »   Beyond Burn and Churn: Protecting Your High Performers from Career Burnout  Presenter:  Kenneth Nowack Ph.D.   Envisia Learning Ken is Chief Research Officer and President of Envisia Learning, a leading talent management publishing and consulting company.  Ken is a licensed psychologist specialzing in talent development, 360 feedback, assessment, leadership, health […]

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Leaders Have More Willpower On Valentines Day….Sweet

February 8, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it..” Oscar Wilde I bet you can’t stop reading the rest of this Blog as it contains a hint about becoming more effective at resisting temptation. Still reading? THE MARSHMELLOW TEST We know a lot about delayed gratification from the classic “marshmellow” […]

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Bosses Who Just Love to Beat You Up

February 1, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“I had my bully, and it was excruciating. Not only the bully, but the intimidation I felt.” Robert Cormier A new study by Dr. Jean Decety, a professor in psychology and psychiatry at the University of Chicago and colleagues at the University of Chicago has found that the brain scans of young, aggressive bullies suggest […]

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It Pays to Develop Social Skills

January 25, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“If I only had a little humility, I’d be perfect.” CNN Founder, Ted Turner I’m always impressed with people who generally lack interpersonal skills–they are very talented in alienating others, creating bad emotional contagion that rubs off on everyone and drains our relationship batteries. We have some compelling new research that these people might actually […]

Posted in Engagement, Relate


What Vendors Don’t Want You to Know About Multi-Rater Feedback

January 24, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“The real secret of magic lies in the performance.” David Copperfield Multi-rater or 360-degree feedback, was used by approximately 90% of Fortune 500 companies last year. Under ideal circumstances, 360-degree feedback should be used as an assessment for professional development, rather than, evaluation ((Nowack, K. (2010). Leveraging Multirater Feedback to Facilitate Successful Behavioral Change. Consulting Psychology […]

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Leaders Can Cause Bad Hair Days…..

January 18, 2009 by Ken Nowack

When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion”  Dale Carnegie Ever reflect on your way home from work why you are in such a bad mood? Despite a lot of press about how bad moods at work can be attributed to leader’s behavior, there is little […]

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The Bad Boss and Poor Customer Service Connection

January 17, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“People perform best and deliver the best customer service when they like what they do..” Unknown I’m going to share some evidence based research findings that are intuitive. They are also important if you care about retaining customer service and loyalty. The weak link in the chain of customer service seems to be leaders. The […]

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More Talent Management Facts #4

January 11, 2009 by Ken Nowack

Another addition of leadership and talent management “facts” from all over the world. Some intuitive and some not….what do you think? 1. CO2 Partners in a recent 2007 internet survey of over 3,000 employees (90% middle to senior managers) found a supervisor as a source for workplace advice by 11%.  More workers relied on a […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate, Selection, Wellness


Do Family Problems of Leaders Affect Company Performance?

January 4, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” William A. Ward A recent study suggests that there is a statistically significant link between CEO family deaths and the companies’ profitability over a decade ((Bennedsen, M., Perez-Ganzalez, F. & Wolfsenzon, D. (2007) Do CEO’s Matter?)). These researcher identified […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate


The End of the Year (Vacation)

December 28, 2008 by Ken Nowack

“Vacation is what you take when you can’t take what you’ve been taking any longer” Author Unknown Most of the executives I coach are pretty stretched individuals. Now and then I get a few who tell me they really “thrive” on stress and don’t really need a vacation or a break from work. These are […]

Posted in Wellness


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